The kids were astounded when we revealed we were heading out to another Disney park. They were busting for the whole train ride out there. Once there I realized I'd screwed up and defiantly needed that ski-parker I'd so defiantly left at home. Freezing cold but busting with Disney juice we ran all over, saw lots of what we'd seen in HK, and a whole lot more.
Paris Disney is way bigger, way grander with Gold everywhere, more rides. But sadly most of the interesting rides have a 1.4m height requirement. Emerson could do Space Mountain in HK, but not in Paris. The sets are more impressive too, not just because they're bigger, but way more opulent.
We queued for a Micky photo this time. They made us have that new Disney Bear they are trying to invent in the photo too, the kids didn't mind. Later Emerson met Daisy, and both met Jack Sparrow.
There are no nighttime fireworks displays until April 1st, when they start again for the new year, pity because that is a very impressive Cinderella's castle.
We didn't make it into the Hollywood Park, we were lucky to see everything in the main park, let along ride it all.
Max had a nap on the train back to the city, absolutely knackered. We managed to get to dinner in a bistro at the foot of the Arch d Triumph, picturesque. Emerson was awake long enough to order her dinner, and insist on a lemonade, then, crash. Look for the photo of her asleep at the table near the end of the day, classic. With her asleep I had to carry her the kilometer back to our hotel, another new fav photo is her asleep on my shoulders on the way home.
Awesome day, packed solid, we all crashed until 7am the next day.
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