Bickel's Trip to Ireland August 2010
- After an early afternoon in downtown Limerick, we drove to The Adare Village, claimed to be one of the most beautiful towns in Ireland. Adare had quaint little parks with pathways, thatched roof shoppes, and a historic church. There was a teeny tiny man playing Irish jig music on an accordion. I told my brothers that I wasn't leaving until I had my picture taken with this real live leprechaun. He gladly posed and played a little tune while our picture was taken. We then drove back into the city to have dinner at the Locke Oyster house, dating back to 1820. We are all enjoying true irish fare for dinner, John is having the homemade beef stew with guinness, I am having fish and chips, and Patrick a steak burger. We are also having Smithwick's pints. Delish!
- comments
mike I seem to recall Adare as the perennial winnner (widely proclaimed) of the 'Tidy Towne' award.