Our latest entry
Dublin, Ireland
We made it into Dublin this afternoon. We spent the morning walking the streets of Waterford, visiting castles and got some coffee. Then we made the treck into downtown Dublin to our hotel for the very last leg of our trip. It has been so amazing to travel the country and see so many sights. I am thinking about how very fortunate I am today…
Carolyn I'm loving this modern technology! It's so nice to be able to connect with your family when you are separated by an ocean! Glad you are all having such an exciting adventure!
re: Patrick's Blog Days 1-4, IrelandTed Bickel You seem to have the trip well scheduled and enjoying each day, and especially the ale. blame you. This a chance of a lifetime, enjoy it, and bring home memories you will remember all your lives. We love you all, Grandmom & Grandpop
re: Patrick's Blog Days 1-4, IrelandAnna Oh nice, make the roads that you already can't fit on smaller.
re: photo from 13 August 2010Anna hahaha MEGHAN!
re: John's Blog Day #2, Irelandmike I seem to recall Adare as the perennial winnner (widely proclaimed) of the 'Tidy Towne' award.
re: Adare Village, IrelandAnna You dont look scared at all!!!
re: photo from 11 August 2010Anna GOOSEBUMPS!!!!
re: M18 and First Night's B and B, IrelandPat so many to choose from! which one did you pick? tough choice, they are ALL so beautiful!
re: photo from 12 August 2010Pat i loved this town! we had a really great dinner in this town! Are you loving the food?
re: photo from 12 August 2010steph haha...um...
re: photo from 12 August 2010steph queen annes lace?
re: photo from 11 August 2010