It's been a funny week working in the jungle school with Mr. Bum Bum the director. And today it happens to be another Thai we have the day off!!
We've managed to blag having kindergarden all week so far, so basically it's been me, Rhi, Jo and Kylie playing games with them everyday whilst they climb all over us like monkeys. All of the kiddies are absolutely adorable, apart from one we've nicknamed the devil child. Who definitely looks like the cutest kid going but it SO naughty, and every time you catch him doing something he clearly knows he should not be doing he just smirks at you which is quite amusing really.
We went out last night as we didn't have school today, started by drinking on the rooftop then moved onto an American bar called Post Laser Disc...which we are starting to get a little attached too. It does the most incredible food (western ha), has a thai band that perform western songs all night, with the funniest little man thats like a thai version of Enrique Inglesias and a thai lady that sound like Cher. It sounds pretty awful to be honest but I think it must be a have to be there type thing. Anyway we ended up staying to closing and then getting a 7/11 toastie. Ideal.
We are all starting to get pretty nervous for tomorrow as we should find out our placements, which means we can then find an apartment and begin the next 4 months of our thai teaching adventure...
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