Hello all!
This will more than likely be the shortest blog entry ever...well because we didnt do much at our last destination other than bum around in true traveller style. No temples, houses, no walking or challenging activities, just relaxation. And much as i know you won't believe me after the last month we needed it!
Ko Samet is a tiny island south of Bangkok and takes about 3.5 hours by bus to get there from Bangkok, then a ferry takes half an hour before you even set foot on the place. We stayed in a bungalow near the beach and splashed out a litttle more but it was luxury for a change.
We spent our days sunbathing or swimming in the sea. The beaches were goegeous white sand and clear waters and the weather was loverly as well, to be honest sometimes so hot you had to go in just to get some air con!
The island was tiny as in 1 atm and one seven11 (like a spar) and you could walk all the way round it in less than an hour (not that we tried!) We ate on the beach and watched fire shows, the food was lovely. After the food we'd walk back towards our bungalow and stop at a bar where we discovered Songsam bucket... loads of ice, coke, thai redbull and Songsam whiskey...really nice! A couple of them had quite an effect on Si but none on me, so the following night we started with beer before moving onto them, was very very funny!
On our final day we had a Thai massage on the beach, not as relaxing as a sweedish one but nice it its own way a bit more like streching than kneading. The woman wasn't too rough, with me at least but she bend Si into some awkward positions at time, whilst i just laughed at the faces he was pulling! The when she was doing his feet he was giggling uncontrollably it was hillarious. Afterwards we stunk of tiger balm, and your skin burnt all over (if you've ever used tiger balm you'll know what i mean)
To be honest thats about all there was apart from sleeping lots, watching the movies in the room (a real luxury!), finding a dead blowfish on the beach (they look awful huuge eyes, scary things!) fighting of mosquitoes - there were hundereds of them they haven't really bothered with me but here there were 50 to every person so they just ate you alive! And the dogs, we were warned about them but it was awful so many of them, quite a few of them had bad legs and matted fur but they didn't look too skinny and they weren't vicious if anything they were quite cute and they'd come and lie by your feet, i wanted to take them all home as friends for Oscar but Si wouldn't let me! :(
We were very sad to leave but back in Bangkok! However light is at the end of the tunnel and we're off tomorrow to Kanchanaburi.
Thanks for all your messages again is nice to heard from you all! Hope you are all well,
Keep you updated
love Becky and Si xxx
ps Si would like to type something (for once!!!!)
"Due to recent conversations I would like to point out that I do contribute to these blogs its just that Bec is types faster so it keeps our internet time down" lol!
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