We spent the morning looking around at the Port Julia Easter Fair, which took place at the oval where we are camped. The local Progress Association, which looks after this camping spot, puts on this fair for campers and locals. There were the usual fresh fruit and veg stalls, trash and treasure (more trash than treasure!), coffee van, wheel of fortune with bottles of wine as prizes, book stalls, hoop throwing, home made cakes for sale and beetle racing. The beetle racing looked fun so I placed a bet on no. 7 - Calamari Kid - and despite our pick being the runt of the litter, he/she won! If you've never seen beetles racing, basically they are tipped out of an ice cream container into the centre of a ring and the first to 'race' to the edge of the circle wins. They look hilarious, like toy beetles, and I have no idea why they all scurry away as fast as they can (except for one or two unlucky ones who I saw fall on their backs, kicking their legs up in the air to no avail).
So, feeling euphoric after my $10 win, and buying enough cakes and slices to feed an army, we headed off to the monthly Seaside Markets in the town of Stansbury, a 25 minute drive south. While the Port Julia Easter Fair was a small local event, this was a much bigger market, with lots of people, colourful clothing stands, spice stall, hot food, fairy floss, baked goods, hot rod racing cars and a fishing stall, where Gadi convinced me we needed to buy a crab net to try our luck at catching blue swimmer crabs. I was a bit unconvinced as he said there was no way he would help me, kill, cook or eat the crabs, but he thought I would enjoy the experience. And besides, everyone seems to be catching them on the South Australian coast, and they all say crabs are easy to catch as they just walk into your net, so why not!
We chilled out in the afternoon, feasting on homemade banana cake, mint slice and an assortment of cookies.
In the early evening, just after high tide, we had our first try at catching crabs. It was cold, windy and the bait stunk on my hands. But we sat on the jetty, watching others crabbing or catching squid, feeling the salt spray on our faces and watching the sun fall low on the cliff tops. It wasn't too bad. We hugged Cadbury to keep warm and enjoyed watching him walk around with his new teddy in his mouth, gently protecting it.
We didn't catch any crabs, but I did feel a few tugs but I lost my crab by the time I pulled my net up. We got some good advice from more experienced fishermen and we hope that the next time, we have better luck. Despite the cold, it was fun and something different.
Back home for dinner - BBQ salmon and veggies, you guessed it, on the weber (I am thinking I should do adverts for weber as I am obviously such a fan!)
Watched two episodes of The Bridge, although I did fall asleep during the second one.
Time for bed. ZZzzzZzz
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