Position: 12 58.34'S 038 31'W (Salvador)
Atlantis had a slow but nice sail from Aratu to Salvador. I will not mention the speed as it was too slow to mention :), we decided to get out of Aratu and clean the hulls in Salvador.
Mauro and I have our sea legs back and all systems on board worked perfectly. The autopilot kept a steady course, batteries are fine and after oiling the sliders of the mainsail it worked well. No problems with the foresail as it is a roller furler.... Nice system.
This morning we will continue formalities, as the person at the Receita Federal wasn't available, but we cleared out of Brazil with immigration yesterday. Brazilian regulations regarding boats just changed, so we are spending quite some time getting all the documents sorted out.
Atlantis is moored at the same place where she was 8 months ago when I was sailing with Eileen. Mauro started cleaning the hulls....but it is a lot of work and we asked help to get the job done on time, as we still expect to leave tomorrow very early in the morning.
Our day will be filled with formalities, provisioning and cleaning. We will download the latest weather forecast in the afternoon and keep you posted on the latest news this evening (Brazil time)
The only peace we can find away from the hectic city of Salvador is on Atlantis, by observing people rushing to whatever land people think is important, is making us aware in what a privileged position we are. What a pleasure being at sea again!
Viver a bordo é algo mágico, sua mente se acalma, seu espírito se eleva. Como Marc escreveu acima, ver o mundo agitado e assistir de "camarote" como se estivesse desligado deste mundo é uma experiência que recomendo a todos.
Estamos nos preparando para sairmos amanhã bem cedo. Preparando a documentação, que toma muito tempo, e após, comprar os mantimentos. A tarde terminaremos a limpeza do casco, para que Atlantis possa velejar melhor.
Após 6 meses da primeira tentativa estou realizando o sonho de velejar com Marc e Atlantis.
- comments
Letitia Well done crew! Wishing you a steady sail tomorrow...lighter with more breeze in her sails. Don't forget to post some pics of the crew for those ladies at home missing their sailors :D Que le vent soit avec vous ... et le soleil brillera toujours sur votre voyage
Phil & Laini Sounds like things are moving along well, great to hear!!
Marc To Letitia: Thanks for the support my sweetheart
Marc To Phil & Laini; thanks for following us....all seems fine with Atlantis.