4th Jan - A beautiful morning with clear blue skies. Katie got briefed for doing skydive and then had to wait for the next plane up because there wasn't enough room for her for some reason - so I casually asked if there was any places in the next plane free? Low and behold there was, so I just couldn't resist and next think I know I was getting suited up too. We flew to 15000ft before jumping out over Lake Wanaka. The flight up was lovely, such a good view of all the surrounding lakes and mountains. The journey down was truely 'breathtaking'. Once down we headed off to Queenstown via the AJ Hackett bridge bungy site. The site of the very first bungy. The purpose for this was to watch their dvd on how bungy was invented and how safe it all is now. It was to give me courage to do a bungy as katie thought the whole idea was a bit, well, stupid. Anyway, got to the bridge and watched a few people jumping off. Normally you can ask for the bungy to be long enough for you to be dunked in the river but because of the storms the river was running to high and this was deemed to dangerous as there may be rocks in the water. It was also too dangerous to do a tandam jump (which had crossed our minds). Anyway, we didn't get to see the dvd but katie had a big change of heart and thought it all looked quite straight forward, before we knew it we were signed up and getting prepared to jump. Katie far more relaxed then me I have to say. There wasn't even a que so we just did it. katie first, then after a slight hesitation me ... oh and Tom and Dom turned up just in time to see us ... just kept on bumping into them!!!
I have to say, give me skydiving over bungy anyday. Katie quite enjoyed it but the whole thing was marred for me because the bungy was tied too tight round one of my legs and it felt like I was hanging from a meat hook in my ankle ... but at least we can say we've done that!!! Got the t-shirt too.
- comments
Yvonne Hi you old traveller - sounds a bit lame really all this bungy jumping - sky diving - couldn't you find anything more exciting to do - you really need to work on the thrill seeker in you!!! Ha ha ha ha - SOUNDS TRIFFIC - as Del Boy would Say! KEEP HAVING FUNxx
Ann Hello travellers! It all sounds very daring and breathtaking to me! I don't think I'd fancy being left dangling with a meat hook through my anke though!! But - WELL DONE, you certainly haven't be shy of "having a go"!!! You're not missing anything here - it's dull, dreary and very damp at the moment! Take care, Ann x
Rose Hi Anne, Happy New Year. Seems as though you and Katie are having a wonderful time. You are certainly very brave. Quite fancy the parachute jump but no way would I consider doing a bungy jump. Big yellow streak down my back I'm afraid. Take care. Rose x