Booked in for 2 nights initially on Octopus Resort, Waya Island, but as I met people who had been to other islands in the group it soon became apparent that this was one of the better resorts. I loved Bure 8, my little pad and it was nice to just call somewhere home for more then a couple of nights, so I decided to stay on for the whole 6 nights. The resort which can accommodate 100 was not even half full. The weather changed, the sun came out and it really was just like paradise. I was able to do some diving on dive sites with wonderful names like, Octopus Reef, where we saw hard coral, Grub fish, Feather Stars, Butterfly Fish, Angel Fish, Wrasse and Rock Cods and a Turtle. Joes Reef, where we saw Peacock Trout, Giant Clams, Clown Fish (Nemo), big Brain Coral. And Centre Stage dive where we saw Moray Eel and White Tip Tiger Shark amongst all the other amazing beautiful fish.
Whilst on the island I did a jungle trek up to the highest peak. This was supposed to be a 4 hour trek but turned out to be 6 hours of hard treking. The humidity must have been near 80% and our guide hadn't treked the route for a while so it too us 4 attempts to reach the summit. Climbing so far up steep inclines through dence vegitation only having to turn back to find another route. It was very demanding but really enjoyable. The views at the top were stunning. It was made even more incredible when our guide Joe told us that the children had to walk across the mountain to go to school, barefoot, every monday morning returning friday.
In the evenings there was entertainment laid on. One night was crab racing night. A right laugh that was. There are literally hundreds of little hermit crabs on the beach all with differnt shells. They had collected about 100 and we were to buy one or two for $10 each and enter them in the race (all proceeds going to the local village school). I had crab 31 which made it to the semi's but no further. The funny thing was all the crabs had been numbered for the event and I kept seeing my number 31 on the beach each morning for the rest of my stay ... I felt like quite close to it buy the time I left. Another evening was a film night, on a giant screen errected by the pool. We had voted for the film, well, it was the most boring film imaginable (can't even remember it's name) but in the middle of it some of the guests suddly put on an impromptu syncronised swimming display to wake everyone up.
I enjoyed my stay on Waya Island. It was what i was looking forward to, a chance to chill out on a beach and do some diving in beautiful clear warm pacific waters. For the last 5 months I have been on the go almost constantly, never stopping anywhere for more then 2 or 3 days max, so this was nice just to get to know somewhere and not pack my bag AGAIN!
But all good things must come to an end and I had to get back to the mainland, Viti Levu to start my tour Feejee Experience.
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