Woke up and moved to a hostel across the street which seemed just as nice and a fair bit cheaper! Left to go on a bike wine tour, leaving about midday with a pretty crappy map to find our way round! Started off in an olive vineyard where we found out about how they're grown and why there are a load off different types and how they're harvested. Went off to try some fresh olive oil and balsamic vinegar, don't think Laurie had eaten for a while as he was chomping on everything! Had a load of different olive chutneys and jams, one jam was with red wine which was surprisingly nice! Moved onto a 70% shot of absinthe before Laurie started crying saying he as he was a baby girl he couldn't do 2 shots that early in the day! Joel and I manned up and had our extra shots and Laurie's one before heading off to the next place. Took us a while to find it but it was a vineyard called Traviche which is the best one in Mendoza (, as wine connoisseurs this was obviously the place for us! Was surprisingly interesting and a real nice place, the wine we tried was out of this world too! Cycled off to have some lunch which was really good and pretty cheap and a huge glass of red wine! Joel kept going on about how hot the women that was serving us was, not sure what's wrong with him as this 'women' had the biggest hands in the world and a very large Adams apple, kind of makes sense why he liked the Thai 'women' now…. was a mega hot day so was pretty tiring cycling around so thought it would be a good idea to cycle 5km to a family run vineyard with a French guy and 2 Scottish girls. Took us a while to get there but was quite a nice place, a lot smaller than the last price and interesting to see the difference in the big commercial ones to the smaller one. The wine that we tasted was really nice, not quite as good as the last one but better than a lot of stuff back at home, although the girl who took us on the tour was pretty hot!! Left there and headed back to the cycle place to go back to the hostel, feeling a little tipsy but had a pretty good tour. Chilled out for a while before going off to find somewhere to eat at 2230, the whole area was packed with people eating out and all we could do was stare at the women, was like all the models in Argentina had congregated there and were all staring at us!! Had an insane steak and half bottle of Malbec for £9 which was absolutely gorgeous, an awesome dinner and the service was quality too! Joel and Laurie went out after dinner as all we could see was stunning women everywhere whilst I hit the hay. Woke up at 5am with Laurie coming shouting his head off shouting 'Brian' and 'burr' and then calling me 'Robert' wouldn't have been too bad if there weren't 2 others in the room!! Woke up and 7am to a huge crash, Joel had fallen off the top bunk!!! Jumped off the bed to see if he was ok and he was laying in the floor in a bit of pain mumbling away, when I got him to his feet he was trying to speak broken French and Spanish too me before eventually saying he was ok but needs 'a poo'! Showed him to the toilet and after a while went in to see what was up and he was asleep on the toilet!! Got him to bed eventually and tried to get some more sleep. When we got up later Joel already had a bruise and didn't remember anything and Laurie thought I was making up him shouting, until the others in our room confirmed it!! Joel's first glasses of red and he falls out of bed and Laurie his usual lightweight self! They said last night was crazy, they got attention non stop by the hottest girls they've ever seen and said that at one point they looked around the bar and couldn't see a single girl that wasn't attractive!! Cant wait till we go back to England….!! Chilled out all day before the guys headed off to Cordoba and I just relaxed in the evening not doing a lot. The next few days all I did was chill out in the day in the sun, speak to Ruth in the afternoon and cook a steak in the hostel and generally relax in the evening. One day this stunning Argentinian sunbathed all day, her body was incredible, helped out by her tiny thong bikini (sunglasses were worn that day) and in the evening she bumped into me and was saying she saw me a lot today and started begging me to go out drinking with her, why didn't this thing ever happen when I was single!!!!! Was a good few days and nice to relax! Headed off to Buenos Aires at 2000 on a bus where there was only about 10 people, was awesome!
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