Arrived in Mendoza after a 19 hour bus ride, was pretty funny as they had sold the number 34 seat twice and it happened that that was Laurie's seat! As a result he constantly had people telling him (in Spanish) that he was in the wrong seat so he kept showing them his ticket and refusing to move!! Apart from that it wasn't too bad a journey, getting a taxi to the hostel which seemed really nice, nice pool too. Was super hot and went for a walk around town, the women in this town were unreal all like models and all staring at us!! Did this till about 2 where we went back to the hostel and had some food from Carrefour and chilled in the sun, eventually going to relax in around the pool. Joel thought it would be funny to throw my towel into the pool, the only towel I own so I went a little mad and went off to shower and then Skype Ruth, what sort of German would do and thing like that!! Took a while to find a place, seemed weird that there wasn't one anywhere, but eventually found one and chilled there for a while.
Returned about 2000 to Laurie saying that we had been robbed and someone broke into his bag, ripping his lock apart and bag! I naturally thought he was pissing around only to soon realise he was being deadly serious, I then found that my iPhone and $200 had been stolen too!!! We went and told reception but had to wait till 2200 for the manager to turn up, finding out an Aussie guy had his iPad stolen and an Icelandic girl her phone stolen, crazy stuff!! The manager eventually turned up and went through the cctv with him, watching 2 guys keep looking around our room and looking around all the escapes. We then watched 1 go in our room for a few minutes whilst the other on stood guard only for them to go back into another room. They then came back out into the hallway with rucksacks on and again 1 go into our room for a few minutes and then come out and head off up the stairs into the Aussie guys room. What made it worse was to get the Aussie and Icelandic's room they walked past Laurie and Joel in the lobby and on their exit of the hostel they walked past the Aussie and Icelandic!!!! Was crazy watching them on cctv steal it, turns out they were Argentinean locals who had checked out the hostel in the morning but hung around all day (a pretty common thing to do, we've don't it loads)!! Me and Laurie then went off to the police station where we did our police reports, was hard as there was only 1 office that spoke English for the 4 of us doing reports! Got taken back just after midnight and were starving so went to look for something to eat, ending up getting a hot dog and returning to the hostel for a large free stella, would have moved hostels if it wasn't so late!
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