The mission for today is to research the local tourist attractions and to plan our day ahead. We had a sleep in which we needed after getting up early for the flight yesterday.
Eventually we managed to drag ourselves off the bed and into the showers. It were noticed that every time someone rolled over in their bed, it had a domino effect because the vibration caused by the roller carried on through all of the beds because of the fact they were so tightly squeezed in which amused me a lot especially that I am the only one who slept through it!
We headed for the information centre to get some more information to add on the ones we gathered yesterday, the majority of the attractions' prices were sky-high which terrifies us at first but eventually we figured out the cheapest method of enjoying the attractions that Cairns had on the offer.
This discussion was quite lengthier than usual and it consumed the majority of our day. During the discussion we even don't notice the fact we all were slowly being roasted by the sun until later in the evening when the redness emerged all over our skins. Even the immortalest amongst us, me and Ashley were slightly sunburnt.
After the discussion and bit of sunbathing thrown in, we went to the supermarket to gather the supplies for the dinner before heading back to the hostel to enjoy our dinner and chilling out.
During the day, I notice there is quite a high population of people with Aboriginal ancestry in Cairns compared to virtually zero population in Sydney and Brisbane. But rather sadly, a significant number of them seem to have a mental health issue which I think occurred because of their transition into the real world from their tribes. This is more noticeable in the elders, their eyes were very hollow which is very unsettling.
- comments
Peter Yeah, sad fact about Aboriginal things. Believe or not, great speaker at WFD 1999, told us that he was wrapped with lot of bandages and poured with breach to make his dark skin becoming light to suit white parents who adopt him as one of their children ever goverment people break his family by taking kids from their parents between 1869 and 1970. yeah over 100 years period. Very sad period. Pain lesson for everyone in Oz. Enjoy while you can. Cheerio Peter
Margaret Worrell Hi Ash and all, about the Aborigines, the world they have been dragged or seduced from is the real world to them and maybe more real than the artificial, money, celebrity etc driven world we live in. No wonder they are out of their minds. Look and learn. Re what Peter said, the same has been done to black children. But carry on enjoying yourselves too. Aren't you a teeny bit homesick yet? Gran x
Michael Hi Son and all. Nuff sed about your comments re Aborigines. All sounds good so far. hi hope its gone cool from cole. I have just checked globe to locate brisbane. Well done for keeping up with blog, great for us but will also be one of your treasured possesions when you are old and wrinkley (ie like me). Say Hi to all, keep on having a great time and value each day for what it offers. Sounds like you are mixing things up and creating a great learning curve. Love Dad.
Rachael Sadly most of the indigenous children that were taken from their families were put into "missions" which were basically catholic run institutions where they were put to work. A few years ago the Australian government issued a national apology for the way they were treated . The same thing also happened to British children from orphanages in the UK who were shipped out to Australia enmasse by the British government until the late 1960s, often without their parent's permission and put into instutitions where they were sexually abused and worked to the bone. They only recently got apologies from both the Australian and British governments. Great travels and observations!