Hopefully you have read the previous blogs so you'll know that during our stay in SD, we took a day/night trip into Tijuana, just over the mexican border. Its funny because you don't need anything to get into Mexico or out of the US, but you need everything to get back in lol.
We left SD on a trolly (tram - but not as good) at around 3pm basically so we could get drunk legally accross the border. We went with a few more people from the hostel, a few girls from alexs room, who in the end couldnt come because they had lost a form which was attatched to our passports in order for us to prove we were allowed into the US. This just meant that he could wake them up later when he wasn't sober.
When we reached the border the first thing we noticed was that mexico is VERY different to America, and the change between the two sides is unimaginable. Tijuana is full of homeless children (or at least they say they are - and they do look it too) who are constantly asking you for money, so you've gotta always watch your pockets lol. Outside every shop and restaraunt there are people trying their hardest to lure you in somehow, they are desparate to sell you something!! Some people who were working in one of the bars were kids that looked about 8 but said they were older...
All of the clubs we went to were absolutely crazy! They put beers on your table and open them infront of you so you have to pay for them! Although the service couldn't be better, you can have pretty much what you want instantly, no queueing up for anything ;) it all comes to you! The waiters (who are nuts) come up to your table dancing blowing a whistle and literally grab your head pull it back, put a towel on your chest and pour tequilla and corona ( the mexican spesh's) into your mouth until they decide youve had enough...and then afterwards they say its $2 lol. Cheeky. Unless you say you have no money ( Ryan n Al) and you get one on the house cause they're just crazy people that love to party, but love your money more!!!
It was quite eye opening in Tijuana because it makes you think that you're really lucky to have all that you have. On our way out of the last club at around 2am, our hostel leader Anya said we had to wait to be escorted back to the border because it was unsafe! She failed to mention this before we set off lol. On our way out of Mexico ben was fondled by what was probably a prostitute, this was well funny and bens face was a picture!!! haha. When we reached the border cross over point, one of our party realised he hadn't brought the form he needed to get back in. This was really bad cause they are so strict about letting people in, and he had to stay untill around 5am we were told!
All in all, Tijuana was really fun but it's not somewhere we'd want to stay over because it looked quite unstable in certain areas. We have been told that it isn't a true representation of mexico though, which is good. We are setting off to somewhere in mexico tomorrow, so we will all be in touch when we reach our destination...wherever that could be lol. adios amigos x
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