Hi again everyone!
Right, what an eventful past couple of days! We left SD not really knowing where we wanted to go at all! So when we got to Tijuana on the trolley/train, we went into this little bus station and couldn`t speak spanish which made thing abit difficult. We got told Rosarito was quite nice and there was a bus about to leave straight away so we just hopped onto that and hoped for the best!
We travelled about 45minutes and it cost us $1.50 US, so about 70p! The bus stopped about 200 yards from tourist info so we went there to ask where there were places to stay, and planned to stop the night and just move straight on the next day.
We found the hostel, but, dont think it would have passed any sort of standards checks. So we checked in at the Motel next door, and headed out to find America`s spring breaker`s in action! Don`t forget that these guys cant drink until they`re 21, so they really dont waste any time when it comes to partying.
We got told that if we went to Rosarito, to head to `Papas and beers`, which for some reason we thought was a quiet little bar that served corona`s and food maybe..we we`re wrong!! was like a beach with walls around it, full of alcohol and hundreds of mad American spring breakers getting wasted and dancing with anyone they wanted. We weren`t too sure if we should go in at first with it being quite a high entry fee (for mexico anyway lol), but it was worth every penny!
So right now, we`re in Ensenado..which wont be getting its own blog because we wasted our time coming here, and are sat in a bus station waiting to go back to Tijuana airport! haha, but i guess its been quite funny, thinking that we could get a flight from Ensenado airport further into Mexico, only to find out it was for private planes only! haha. We thought the taxi driver who was going to take us there was joking when he asked which one of us was the pilot!
Really slow internet connection right now, so bare with us for more photo`s from all these other places!:)
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