hey agin family and friends!
After seeing enough of SF, we heard that SD was a pretty hot spot with plenty of great bars and clubs (which wasn't much use to us as we weren't all old enough to drink), so we decided to head down there next and leave out LA for the time being.
What we thought would be a few hours journey on a grayhound bus, was actually a 13 hour trip including stops and change-overs! So that was something to learn from!
We arrived at 1.15 am and finding our hostel was really easy compared to SF, but we only just made it to an open reception for check-in. Again, we couldn't all get in one room, only three sharing a 4 bed dorm, and one left with sharing a 6 bed dorm, so Alex took one for the team and woke up 5 grumpy drunk brits! Al, Ben and Ry walked in on their lonely French roomy who noone still knows anything about lol
We like the SD hostel alot more than the last, even though its the same company, the building has so much more character and the people who are staying here are much more friendlier. We've managed to meet people here, as we didnt really in SF because the hostel there was too big really so everyone was in there own little groups. Although Alex teamed up with another Alex from Germany and became undefeated table 'fooseball' champ one night when he couldn't sleep and the others were tucked up in bed waiting to be rudely awakened by his powerfull snoring abilities!!
Back to SD again!.. Lastnight (saturday!) we went out with some hostel friends on a mini trip sort of thing, to Tijuana (old Mexico) to get drunk basically!
Feeling rather worse for wear due to lastnites carona, tequila and salsa spesh mix(!), we had to be up quite early for us to try and sort out staying an extra night as we weren't really up to traveling for hours to get to Mexico! but we're pretty glad now as we think we have sorted out our next route, and went out in to SD to check out the shops and get some customary American fast food, but we went healthy and took the baked potato option (which we think are genetically modified out here to be the size of your head!!). Typically, Ben had to be different and went for the #2 hotdog combo meal lol
We also got asked if we wanted to work in an Abercrombie and Fitch clothing company store, which is quite a big label out here so that was cool! Maybe next time! Ryan and Alex's stylish boxershorts fettish lead them to Macy's store which is abit like Debenhams/House of Fraiser/Harvy Nicks rolled into one. Which ended up being a good decision because not only did they have sales on, but when we went to pay at the till they told us we were getting 11% further discount from being out of town! We love Macy's! :D haha
To sum up SD so far, even though we've spent less time here at this point, its much better than SF for traveling the US, because its much warmer and more lively during the night, and just all round more laid back really :)
We have jus bought the largest pizza available to man! Which is tea sorted for tonight, and maybe tomorrow! Bye for now!
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