We had mentioned to the photographer that we were headed to Urunga next.He had just come from there earlier that day.He had given the thumbs up for the park saying how good it was.That was great news. So About 60km down the road we were booking into the Urunga Heads Holiday Park.Calling into Urunga gave me the chance to catch up with a mate, Bryan F and wife Katie, who had recently relocated to the quiet little seaside town. (Katie's home town) With only a two night stay planned we checked into the very neat caravan park right on the water near the Urunga heads.
Kylz got an early start and took some very good photos along the boardwalk out to the heads and beach. The early morning fog gave the rock wall and timber an almost eyrie look. Our Saturday saw Kylz and the girls touring the small main street and checking out the shops while Bryan and I caught up with the usual beers and boring work stories.After a very long day of beers and yarns we wound it up at the Ocean View Tavern for dinner. (we had been there for lunch so we knew the way!)The big day had taken its toll on Bryan(and myself) and he was last seen with Katie leading him home from the pub walking like he had his shoes on the wrong feet!Waking up and knowing you have to pack up and hit the road, after a big arvo on the suds, is a bit daunting. But after the amount of practise we have had over the last couple of months it went quite well, and almost record time!
As we left Urunga both Kylie and I made the comment that it was one place we would really liked to have been able to stay and explore for longer.With some other top spots already on our radar we set of towards Macksville, than out to Taylors Arm for a date with the original "Pub with no Beer"
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