Hi Guys sounds like your having a great time still. We've been home for 2 months now and I badly need another holiday already !!!! Andrew is off working on the island now and I'm still catching up at work ! Say hello to the girls for us and safe travelling. Don't forget to drop in on your way through will be great to catch up with you both. xxx Janine & Andrew
Hey Family. Miss you guys a million. Can't wait to catch up in the new year for a few quiet ones on Gracie Court (when are they ever quiet ones on Gracie Court....who am I kidding) and hear about the travels. I know I don't stay in touch often, but I think of you guys all the time (and am green with envy). I love yas. Love especially to Hollywood and Charli-Horse....
Hi guys Bec English here. Just letting you know your going to star in my class over the next term as I share your blog with them. We are travelling around the world this term visiting countries to learn about different celebrations. We have set up a blog too so would love for you to read it if you get a chance and leave a comment. We are called 2Ejoeys - see if you can find us. Hope your well.
Nat & Adam
Just checked out all the latest pics finally Seriosly you 4 ya having way too much fun. I don't think ya's will want to come back home!! Hope all is well. Miss ya xx
Deb Dartnall
Hey guys,
Were just talking about you this morning. Where are you now?? We got stuck in Melbourne for last term while Jim worked and Maddie went to school... (Bloody Freezing!!!!!)
Really over the cold. Wish we were somewhere up the top like you must be but have run out of money and time so will be heading back through SA and across the Nullabor over the next couple of months.
Hope the travels are going really well.
Very jealous of you... :) Bet the tans haven't faded like ours have.
Have a great time and travel safe.
Deb, Jim, Maddie and Lachie xo
Ad,nat,kobi & Jack
Kobi said this morning "Been good boy Mummy, go for drive see Chelsea Charli " (If only i'm thinking) haha great to see ya's again travel safe, keep the photos coming & see ya in 6 months xx
Granton & Denise Edwards
Lovely to have met you and be entertained by the girls. Keep on having fun.
Chris And Kay
you guys got out of here in time to miss all the cyclones,they would of had ya van rocking for sure
John Vance
If you make it through the swamp that used to be Queensland there is still 1 job going at Beaconsfield. We have hit the orebody at 1180 level and it is going 19-28 grams (gold) per ton. (this is good, cut off grade is 4 grams per ton). A bit of a different place to work to a month ago when everything looked pretty bleak. Anyway Happy Travelling and remember the nomad hours........on the road at 0800 and cup of tea 0930.
Ad,nat,kobi & Jack
Safe travels. Hope ya make it to Sarina ok haha
The Wall's
Hey Bogstocks, have a awsome trip stay safe and enjoy every minute and we will see u guys when u get back.