55- Up nice n early for our briefing on "safety" on frazer island, which included dingo safety, and what to do if you encounter a dingo. After a few laughs watching the dvd, we were brifed on what would happen and given an itenary and put into our groups of 10. Our group included 3 welsh girls, 2 sweedish girls, a scotish guy and and 2 guys from bristol. After the briefing and introductions we headed off to get the camping equipment and another briefing on how to pack the car and how to drive it in 4 wheel drive on the beech and up hills. With that now out the way we headed to the supermarket to pick up some food for the trip, and soon made our way to the ferry over to the island. 30 mins later we arrived at the island. First up driving was John the scot. After 20 secs he had already made the wrong turn...good start. after 3 minutes of driving we got an idea of what the island would be like ( half beach half rainforest with an off road track). There was also alot of heads hitting the roof of the off road car. Bare in mind that it's an off road car, theres 8 people in the back and 2 in the front, the people at the back of the car feel it worse, guess who was at the back...... 20 minutes of a bumpy journey and everyone getting to know eachother a little to well thanks to Johns driving we arrived at our first stop. The girls ate whilst the guys played a bit of frizbee and had a chance to stretch the legs after being thrown around in the car. Throwing the frizbee about led to John finding the first lizard of the trip that had everyones interest for about 5 minutes, after that it was Harry's (bristol) turn to drive to the next spot, which was a 40 minute drive....or so we thought. After driving round on a bumpy road for 90 minutes we were no closer to the destination, and the saw ass complaints started coming in thick and fast. Finally we found the spot but we couldn't stay as we had to get to our camping spot on the beach before dark so we could set up our tents. My turn to drive with D navigating and giving the female look of "slow down your driving to fast you idiot" (guys u now wat I mean).After arrivng at our sea front location on the beach we (the guys) unpacked and set-up camp whilst the girls...watched and then decided to help by putting in the pegs and claiming they done half the work....typical. Time for some food, and as it was a bbq the guys stepped up and cooked for the group.Sausages, steak and Burgers all round. Whilst cooking we saw our first dingo of the trip after a loud shout from the camp site next to us....the dingo then proceeded to trot through our one was watched the dingo video properly as no one got in the dingo-positon of crossing ur arms over ur shoulders and staring directly at it....the dingo carried on trotting off much to everyones relief. Time for the goon and a few beers, whilst we roasted the marshmellows over the gas stove as we wern't allowed a fire. Mid way through the drinking session I went off to the toilet ( dug a hole on the beach front) with D on dingo look out. Whilst digging my hole I noticed a dingo, and it noticed me and started picking up speed and so did I back to the camp. After making it back to the camp the dingo had little look at the camp and went off. After me running in the sand D was in histerics and told the story to everyone. A few more drinks later we soon found out that 1 of the sweedish girls was in fact a porn star. After 30 minutes of questioning we were at the drunk stage that we wanted to steel some stuff. We noticed another camp site and we set off to steal a wind screen wiper, shuvel and raincover for their tents. As if that wasn't enough we went back alter and shaked their tents whilst running back tou our tent...feeling bad, we took the items back.well we hung them in a tree haha!! After a bit more goon we headed to bed , my tent consisted of D and the 3 welsh girls, tough life haha.
56- Up nice and early ( the cold helps when you've been drinking) we packed up and D drove along the beach up many hills, going through water to the next place to clean up the stuff from last night, and us guys decided to rent a fishing rod. Next up to drive was Sophie the welsh girl who would drive to Indian heads (40 mins drive). 5 minutes in we were all regreting letting her drive as we nearly topped over, we don't think she knew where the brakes where!! After 10 minutes of bouncing around in the back she got to grips with going a bit slower and we arrived at Indian heads (look out point on to the sea) intact. After a 10 minute climb we were soon looking out onto the sea where we saw, a group of sharks, a turtle and a few rays and an excellent view of Frazer. After a few photo opps we headed down indian heads into the rock pools for a swim/ bath in the sea, cleaned up and went and looked at a rusty shipwreck that had been there for a 100 years. After the wreck we then had to go and set up camp again, after more deliberating about where we had to set up camp we all agreed on a spot which had a sand lounge (chairs and table made out of sand).Guys set-up whilst girls done lunch. After lunch we headed up to a creek, which on the map was south, which is where we headed....turned out we set up in the wrong place and were 4-5 KM away. SO after a 5km walk to the creek, we got in the fresh water, mucked around and headed for another 5k walk back to the camp site, where the sweedish girls cooked up spag bol! whilst me the scot and the 2 guys from bristol headed for a spot of night fishing (not the brightest idea we had, and no we didn't catch anything. After dinner the welsh girls headed off for the toilet, 2mins later we heard screaming and saw them running back to camp, followed by to dingo's who were soon chased off with by a spade!! A bit more goon down the throats, and the early starts started taking their toll and people started dropping off to bed!!
Day 57- Up nice and early again we had breakfast and headed off to clean up the equipment. Whilst brushing our teeth it turned out we head some left over toilet roll. We ( I) decided we should wet the toilet roll and throw it at another off we did, and the koala range rover was vovered in wet toilet tissue courtesy of us. On to lake mckenzie, with me and D driving we made it their in 40 minutes. Whilst people where having lunch we decided to break out the goon and take it down to beach with us whilst we played criket and the girls topped up their tan, after some fierce batting and some spectacular diving catches in the sea , we got roped in to building a man made pyramid by a group of irish. Now the I never git the irish jokes until now but...the higher the pyramid goes the lighter yu have to be, but oh no, rather than hurt this 1 girls feeling we have to try and take her wait as she wanted to on the 3rd row, which none of the guys at the bottom appreciated much, and was the cause of the pyramid remaining incomplete!! After the pyramid we packed up and headed to the ferry, and back to drop off the equipment and then back to the hostel....simple? not for us. In our true style we got lost on the way back to the hostel, and a 5 minute drive turned into a 25 minute drive, good way to finish the trip!! Arriving back we said our goodbyes. Had the best time so far in australia and had a really good trip and met some good people would defo do again!! Off to our new hostel down the road (go back to the hervey bay blog!!
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