Day 50- Up nice an early for a 5 and half hour bus journey we arrived in Airlie beach, and headed to our hostel to drop off our stuff, again we found out that we had to hire a pillow and a blanket at extra charge , so out of principle we refused!! D headed to the sunday market/fete whilst I got showered up and checked out what was on offer around Airlie. Shared a Pizza and headed back for what we thought would be an early night as we set sail for Whitsundays the next day, how we were wrong. Drunk Americans and Russians (whod'a fort) cannot handle their drink, and They were told to shut up after awaking us at an un godly hour!!
Day 51- Up nice and early whilst making a "bit" of noise for those who would be suffering with a hang-over from the night before (and after D had a few words with reception, would be getting kicked out in 5 mins) PAYBACK!! Dropped off bags in the luggage room and headed to our sailing boat to sail the whitsundays! Headed with the group to the boat where our schedule was pushed back 2- 3 hours as the water levels were to low for the boat to leave the marina, this is where the wetaher took a turn for the worst and set the president for the rest of the day (rain, and dark clouds). Eventually headed out for about 5 hours of watching a guy sail and not really getting as hands on as what was told we would!! Arrived at one of the whitsunday beaches and had a look over the look out for a stunning view of neighbouring islands and the crystal clear sea and the white beaches, which is where we headed to next. On the beach another "short" game of frizbee on a white beach was palyed as the heavens opened up and we headed back to the boat for 2 hours more sailing in the rain ( the yellow overcoats made an apperance). Dinner was served and we chilled for a bit on the top deck with a bunch of girls who we'd met on the boat. Whilst on the boat, we started noticing loads of reef tip sharks swimming around the boat ( a good 20 at least) , after some debates about snorkelling the next day we headed to bed. 2 hours into our sleep I was awoken with a foot in the face by a German girk trying to steel my top bunk as I fell asleep on D's bottom bunk, she assumed she could dump all our stuff off and make up a tired to argue I caved in and let her!!
Day 52- Nice bit of toast for breakfast it was time to slip on the stinger suit for some snorkelling, or so I thought . D decided she wasn't going in after seeing the reef sharks so she stayed behind with the group of girls from norwich, whilst making a few comments about by "tight" stinger costume. Scuba Steved up I jumped on the boat in the biggest pair of filp flops I could find and dived in with the fishes, who took a liking to me and I was soon surrounded by about 30 medium sized fishes!! I soon came face to face with the resident BIG fish (2metres) it was massive and ugly, that was my signal to get back on the boat with the girls. AS I did the rain we returned and so did the yellow jackets. Off we went to the next dive spot where we all gave it a miss as we'd see the exact same fish we'd just seen. TIme for the "BIG" sail back and the captain was getting a little too excitied about this and we were all pupmer for a "fast ride back to the marina. A few choice words with his crew including "F-ing amatuers, and C89k su@#$ng mother f&c**rs we set sail. The boat turned at a 45 degree angle (part submerssed in the sea) we hit 11knotts and got soaked along the way. Best part of the trip. Back to the marina we decided to meet up with a few guys and another couple at Beaces as we'd get a free jug of beer!! Picked up our bags and headed to our new hostel at koalas where I cooked up the mandatory spag bol, we then headed to meet everyone else. A few games of animal and high or Low was placed and we were drunk in 30 minutes, courteesy of the free alcohol!! We then decided to go to another bar as ladies would get free champagne all night, palce was empty when we got there but D and her Irish accomplish Jen took full advantage of the offer!! Feeling Drunk we headed to Mama africas where I was only allowed in If I drunk water even though D was clearly more drunk than I was!! Good night of dancing and we headed back, up nice n early 2moz!!
Day 53- "I'm not hungover i'm tired" but D was having none of it, we had to alot of time to kill as we had to get the bus at 8.30pm. So D exchanged some books and we then went for a sleep on the lagoon, good day. Heded to the bus stop for our 13 hour journey to hervey Bay, looking fwd to a frazer island trip!!
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