On tuesday we hired a bike so that we could go and explore a bit more of Koh Samui so we picked up the bike at 10 and set off... nice and easy as it's one big loop road with small side roads to take you right to the coast. First stop Big Buddah... not quite as easy to find as we first thought but after about an hour of riding we found it, just as it started to rain! luckily we hadn't eaten yet so we stopped in at a cafe for a bite to eat and to wait for the rain to stop... some of the heaviest rain i've ever seen! it looked like the rain wasn't going to stop so as it lightened we checked out Big Buddah, took a few photos then off again. On the way round we stopped at a waterfall that was supposed to be really nice but you needed some serious climbing shoes and loads of rock hopping so we decided against heading walking up the river bed to see it and there's plenty of waterfalls around... the next one we came to was in one of the national parks so we headed up to that and i had my picture taken with a tiger cub! so cute! then a slightly easier hike to the waterfall. When we got there 2 austrians arrived at the same time and offered to take our photo so we found a nice spot to stand and he manouvered into the middle of a ledge took one photo but decided he could get a better shot if he crouched, a second after he took the photo his foot slipped and he fell! fortunately he managed to grab a hold and a Thai man swept in like a ninja and grabbed his hand to pull him back up... we thought he was a goner!! luckily all was fine but gave us all quite a fright as it was a good 100ft down! After the drama we took a gentle cruise back round the rest of the island, to see the grandfather and grandmother rocks and back to our place for our last night on samui.
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