When we arrived in Surfers Paradise, we were quite shocked to say the least. It was totally not anything like either or us had expected and is very American with loads of high rise buildings and hotels. I think it may have been at one point, with the beach so long and plenty of surf, but its very commercialised now!
None the less, we still had a great time and can see why people like it there. Our campsite was in the middle of loads of high rise hotels and looked brilliant at night.
The best part was actually going to the Theme parks though, being as both of us have the mental age of 12 year olds!
On Monday we went to Movie World which is loads of roller coasters and rides. The best one (which we went on twice!) was Superman. You go through a tunnel and expect it to do the usual, going really high and then dropping a million miles an hour. But this one takes you through the tunnel, your still inside when it stops and then it shoots you so fast you don't know whats happening around all these mental twists and turns. I wasn't exactly looking forward to it at first, but could have gone on a few times more in the end! lol....
They also had a Shrek shop and I got a Ginger Bread Man toy to stick on my car! "Not my buttons....." See, how old!
On the Tuesday we went to a shopping inlet where we bought ourselves a little treat or two. We haven't bought ourselves anything much since we've been away, so every now and then its like a real treat to get something new!
On Wednesday we went to Wet and Wild. I've never really got into water parks being as I'm not a great water fan, but I loved it! Ant got me going on every single one, mostly because they were 2 people rides and he couldn't go on his own. But I was really pleased that I did, because after about an hour we were running between rides and planning where to go next lol...! I think the worst/ best one was the Kamikazee. It was like a giant funnel with water pouring through it and they push you off at the top so you get air before flying up the other side. It was only the worst because the smallest person had to go at the bottom e.g. backwards! I think I may have actually sworn at Ant as we were pushed, naughty! but it was definitely one of my best days of the trip so far!
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