We were planning our next move up the coast when we got a call from Paul Collins (who we'd seen in Newcastle). He was in a place called Rainbow Beach camping with his son Toby, so we arrange to go their a camp with him for a night.
Rainbow beach is a national park so we only had to pay $5 each a night to stay there but there are no showers only toilets (non-flushing holes in the ground type) - stinky!... It was quite different to being in our nice little campsites, but turned out to be quite fun and glad we did it.
Me and Ant went for a little walk around the beach and in the middle of the bushes, he saw a massive Monitor lizard. Ant was so chuft because it was one of the things he was hoping to see whilst we were away.
On the other hand, things I was hoping 'not' to see = Near where Pauls tent was set up, we were just enjoying a beer when we heard someone else shouting 'snake!'. I thought they meant further away but next thing you know it's little tongue appeared and it was slivering right near me! I thought I would have been a bit more scared and probably would have if it hadn't just gone the opposite way towards the beach. A load of people camping near us grabbed a shovel and were goin to embark on a snake hunt - loons (thats the first thing they tell people not to do)! anyways, they didn't kill it but turns out it was an Eastern Brown, 2nd or 3rd most deadly in the world. It's bite will kill you in twenty minutes - nice! We were about 40 minutes from the nearest hospital so would have been a little screwed to say the least! (I have to say though, that I was like a bag of nerves going on a little toilet mission in the middle of the night, pitch black - snakes lurking under leaves! lol..)
The next morning we got up at 6am and went to watch the wild Dolphins being fed about half an hour from Rainbow beach. We didn't actually get to feed them, but Toby did and he was really loving it. Paul bought him some little certificates to say 'Ive fed the dolphins' and he was set up for the rest of the day bless.
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