We booked a trip to a place called 'Lady Musgrave Island' which is the start of the Great Barrier Reef. The boat was a bit choppy and there were people in the lower deck chundering all the way. There were one of two people on the top deck where we were with dodgy tummies but luckily we were ok and just ate chuppa chups all the way.
We arrived at the island and all got onto a pontoon in the middle of beautiful clear green coloured water - stunning! We jumped in pretty much straight away for a snorkel, as it was the first time since we left Indonesia that we'd got into the water (for fear of being eaten by a little sharky or pulled deeper by strong currents!).
There weren't that many different types of fish but we were told that there were dolphins really close to us at one point. I would have thought that would have been really cool, but in actual fact we were quite far from the boat and the thought of a few massive wild dolphins was a little bit daunting! lol... I for one was pleased to have a life jacket on anyways! The snorkelling was good but it got cold pretty quickly so we got out and warmed up for a bit with a nice cup of tea.
We had a really tasty lunch of salads, meats, fresh prawns and bread before taking a quick trip on the glass bottom boat in the search of turtles.
Later on in the afternoon, we went to the actual island where no one lives except some birds and other wildlife. It was all beautiful and made for some nice pictures.
We had afternoon tea and scones (which Ant ate most of I thihnk!) before heading back to the Harbour. On the way back we passed a few more turtles aswell as some massive Mantarays. Ant still hasn't got to dive with any yet, but he's planning on diving a rec up in Ayr, so hopefully he will then!
When we arrived in the Harbour, we kind of got stuck in the sand and couldn't get back to land. They had to get some other smaller boats to come and take us all a group at a time back to shore. We were like Refugees being moved around in the middle of the night! lol... The poor captain said he had to wait for the tide to come back up before he could go back in! Gutted...
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