We decided to take a detour for the weekend, so did about a two hours drive to Nimbin. I'm not sure what I was expecting of Nimbin, as we had heard many a story but I thought if anything it would have been a lot bigger than a tiny road with shops!
We found a campsite and went for a little walk into the town. The place is full of hippies and in some ways was a little scary but cool.
Back at the campsite, Ant was standing outside the van when a bird flew really low, making him duck. Some people saw him and started laughing at him but came over to say hi. There were three of them all travelling together - Karl, Bradley and Leila and they asked if we fancied a few beers in the pub later on. We had a really good night with them and it was the first time in a while that we'd actually met people we could go for a drink with so all good.
The next day we drove with them to a place called falling rocks which looks like a kind of lagoon. The boys all went jumping off the rocks and swinging off ropes and basically having a ball. The place was filled with people just having a quiet afternoon with their families and dogs and all of a sudden out of nowhere a load of mess heads turn up off their tree with loads of beers. One of them came over and started chatting away asking where we were from (about ten times ha ha). Next thing you know, he was walking over to some other people to chat and he slipped and broke his beer bottle on a rock, cutting his hand and smashing his head. He kept trying to get up like a new born deer and slipping back down, but his hand was bleeding all over the shop! Silly boy!. We ended up leaving because it looked like things were only going to get worse for the crowd and on the way out we realised they had parked their car on the actual pathway, Patsy and Eddie style 'Right, we'll park here!' lol. We had to off road 'a pied' just top get to the cars! lol... bet he had a sore head the next day, not to mention a few needed stitches! We spent the rest of the day chilling with the others and had an early night ready for our departure the next morning.
In the morning, Karl came to say hi and asked if we'd heard the arguements from the couple camping near their van. We hadn't heard a thing but the woman drove past us like a bat out of hell, three kids in the car, storming away from her husband. We went to say hi to the others and watched the poor guy she'd left there trying to make some kind of shelter out of some sheets of tarpoline and a tree. Next thing you know, she appears from nowhere and they start argueing again. She obviously didn't like what he said, coz she reversed into where he was standing and ran over the tree that was holding his 'new home' up! And he thought things couldn't get any worse! lol...
We went with the others to the Nimbin Sunday market and had a quick wonder round before heading off. After our few days in Nimbin and the mornings antics, we'd kind of had enough and hoped that we would enjoy it more when we come next time to see Ants Aunt Debs. We swapped numbers with the others and said we'd maybe catch up with them in Byron Bay, as they were pretty much doing the same journey as us. Yay new friends!! ;O)
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