On the second day in Coffs Harbour we went ot a place called the 'Pet Porpoise Pool' where they have Dolphins, tiny penguins and seals.
We played catch with the dolphins for a while before getting pictures taken having a kiss on the cheek from both seals and dolphins - ahhh how tute!
They then did a really good show including both animals doing all sorts of tricks and we got to feed them after. During the show, a couple of seaguls were hanging around whining 'mine mine mine'. They looked a little bit mental and then all of a sudden they started fighting. One of them had the other in some kind of winged headlock, whilst they both tried to kick each other in the head with their webbed feet! I have to say, the dolphin and seal show was good, but watching two seaguls fighting was possibly one of the funniest things i've ever seen! Class...
We got to feed a load of fish before leaving including sharks, which came up to the surface really quickly and splashed everyone, but well funny to watch! ha ha...
Whilst we were at the park, Ant asked if I wanted to go swimming with Dolphins or seals, seen as I'm not doing diving. I hadn't really thought about it, mostly because I thought it cost a fortune but it was only Aud150, so I went to enquire. I booked into swim with the seals the next afternoon, which is not something I'd have thought I would have been doing but it was so exciting!!
Once we got in the pool, they brought over the first seal which was a huge male called 'Sol'. They got us to hold onto him whilst he dragged us round the pool and took photos (the staff not the seal!). I had a picture taken of him kissing me with his giant whiskers and did some tricks and stuff with him. Next they brought out the female 'Pearl'. They got us to stand near the side, whilst she jumped on our backs with her paws on our heads. The water coming off her was fishy and pouring into my eyes whilst they took pictures! They are obviously not the best pictures Ive had done so far, but well funny! The last but not least seal was a small male called 'Max'. We played in the water with him for ages, throwing a ball about so he couldn't get it and then had a load more pictures taken with us hugging him and stuff. All in all it was a great afternoon and definitely one of my best! They gave me three professional photos to take home too which was ace and Ant got to film some of the time in the pool and got some funny photos.
We ate magnums and watched Zac and Mirri make a porno in the evening, all in all couldn't have been a better day!
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