Our alarm was set for 5.15 and we checked out and got a taxi by 5.30. We ended up getting dropped off at the wrong terminal and after the embarrassment of the security guards announcing this in front of everyone we went to get a taxi.
Taxis arnt supposed to pick up from here so we had to plead with one and he grabbed both of our bags off our backs and pushed us inside!
Finally got to the right terminal and checked in. My bag weighed 19.9 kg again and Michael's weighed 16kg! I don't know what we even carry around!
Had Chinese rice and a jasmine tea, the rice had chicken in though and for the last 3 weeks we have known Andi he makes us finish every grain of rice as its a staple food for Muslims and no grains can be wasted but I apologised to him as I couldn't eat all of it covered in chicken.
Said goodbye to Andi, it's going to be strange not seeing him as we have seen or spoken to him non stop for the last 3 weeks and we stayed with his family which was an amazing experience! We love you Andi!
Went through security and Michael got stopped again! Of the 4 flights we have been on, 3 of them he has been stopped plus one border crossing! This time he had scissors in his bag, not just one pair but two! He said he thought it would be ok as he had flown with them in his hand luggage every single time! The X-ray only picked up one pair so the guy said he only had to throw one away! How ridiculous!
We were last to go through as usual, ran past the guy who checked us in and told us to be no later then 6, it was 6.30! Oops!
The plane was freezing cold! We are always prepared on journeys though and take our hoodies! Waking up to find Michael with his hoodie on backwards and the hood over his face was scary! We ordered hot tea to keep us warm and to use the last of our Indonesian coins they won't be exchanged.
Arrived in Bangkok at around 10, Got a taxi from the stand that took us 45 minutes to find last time to Koh San Road. Checked into @home guest house for 400 Baht (£8) per night with private bathroom, hot water, wifi and it's super clean!
Went out to eat straight away then got the local bus to MBK shopping centre. It cost 10 baht (20p) for the half an hour. All the locals knew where we would be getting off so pushed off the bus!
MBK is is a huge shopping mall but it has shops and stalls and you can haggle in most of them! So imagine going to Meadowhall and haggling! It's insane! Didn't buy much as we want to look in the markets as well.
I did buy make up and boxers. Asia doesn't sell any other underwear for girls it's strange! It's either boxers or lady boy / drag queen underwear which is horrible! Also, maybe you don't want to know but Asia doesn't sell tampons! In every single country we have been to they don't have them... And miming tampon isn't easy believe me but no one knows what one is!
Got a taxi home, got ready and went to Mulligans for a Mai Tai! Our friend Din from Cambodia who we later met in Saigon text me saying his friend Daniel was in Bangkok but didn't have any friends so we should meet him as he wants to party and he knows how much we love to party! So men Daniel at Mulligans!
Got a taxi to DJ Station, everywhere we have been everyone knows about this gay club so it's packed every night! I was one of 7 girls which is a record as I'm used to being the only one everywhere we go! Maybe they were lost?
When we found out dates we were coming to Bangkok I messaged Da to tell him but his Facebook broke so I hadnt spoken to him! I came out of the toilet and Michael ran up to me telling me he was here! Happy happy! I'm so predictable! Da was with Ga! Don't get Da and Ga confused! ;)
Partied with everyone all night, some random guy invited me to a fetish party tomorrow night but the consequence was I had to bring my own chains? This is Bangkok! Da wasn't impressed!
Me, Michael, Da and Ga got a taxi back to Koh San Road! There wasn't much going on which is so so strange and it's usually one massive party all night! At 6 Da decided it was the perfect time to get a massage on the street! The woman was so lovely!
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