So happily sleeping on the coach to Surat Thani when I was rudely awoken! My hand luggage bag was being stolen. Just my luck! I had been warned of this so I had wrapped the straps around my legs and kept other belongings on my person. Looked up and everyone behind us had gotten off the bus at other stops there was only about 6 of us left all sat conveniently at the front but me and Michael at the back of the group.
The Thai guy kept pulling on my bag so I grabbed and held it, put my seat up, turned round and he had crawled back from under my seat. Didn't scream cos I think they would have 'lost' my rucksack if I did, and I'm not one to make a scene ;) woke Michael up and checked all our stuff. This was at half 5. At half 6 the guy came and shouted us all to get off the bus quickly, our rucksacks were already on the ground and the bus sped off. They had gone into my rucksack but hadn't stolen anything. Everything had moved around though and knots were done up differently. Nothing went out of Michael's either.
Proper rambling but it was an experience! Was on the coach for 11 hours ish.
Got off the bus at Surat Thani and was greeted by a lady who runs the bus company. A mini bus came to pick us up to take us to krabi (3 hours) got dropped off at this hostel travel agent place. The lady was trying to get us to book tours etc. she asked to see our boat tickets, took them and gave us other ones. After an hour a car came to pick us up to take us to the boat!
Got to the boat, gave them the tickets the lady gave us and they didn't accept them. This was because the company are dodgy. We had to buy another ticket each for 400 baht (£8). Hopefully our travel agent will refund this for us! Will contact her tomorrow!
Don't need anyone to tell us we shouldn't have given our tickets to the lady, we were sat in her house waiting for her to give us a lift and she asked to see them cos we could have been anyone, she looked like a travel agent and didn't gain anything from taking our valid tickets with our names and the date on. So not a word please. Anyone.
Boarded the boat from krabi to phi phi islands! It was advertised as 'not over crowded'. It was full so we sat on the deck at the front for the hour and a half journey but I wouldn't give had it any other way! The scenery was absolutely amazing got so many pictures! The jelly fish are humongous I took a picture! Literally the size of my house. Well maybe a bit smaller ha ;) like 75 centre meter width
I love the sea but hate jelly fish and sharks, also anything else that bites or stings! Think I'm a pool girl!
Got off the boat and got the transfer from the dock to Viking nature resort. Got on a speed boat there and had to jump in the sea when we stopped. The guys carried all our luggage. Checked in and walked all through the resort to our place took about 10 minutes ducking under trees and climbing over roots and sliding down boulders!
Wasn't carrying my rucksack though so was ok! Got to our hut on the beach and it's absolutely amazing! So so beautiful! Never ever leaving! Its like in the jungle but on the beach, I would say the beach is 5 meters away. No air con in this one but still got a fan! :) could get used to living in paradise!
Got changed and went for something to eat! Wasn't hungry but had a baguette! Was beaut! The boys that work here are very forgetful though! Ha
Went to the white sand beach that's outside our hut to sun bath, looked out on clear blue sea and clear blue sky! In the distance you can see an island but nothing else! Absolute heaven!
We both fell asleep in the sun, don't know how long for but we looked like lobsters when we woke up! Only on one side though, think ross from 'friends' when he does sun beds! Oh well better then paste white!
The shower is cold in our room but wouldn't have it any other way, Michael disagrees! Walked along the beach to the main strip! Has pad Thai at a restaurant on the water! Bought a snorkel for tomorrow 200 baht (£4) sold!!! But worth it cos going to get my use of it! Going on a plankton tour in the next few days at night (the plankton lights up when disturbed)
Walked back along the beach and stopped at 'hippies bar' bought drinks and sat on cushions on the sand watching the fire show! It was so crazy! Went on for ages! Example if things they were doing is throwing a fire ball on the rope high in the sky and catching it with there feet!
Decided I want to be a flame thrower when I grow up!!
Not really grandad I wanna be a princess still! But as I am already one of those I need other prospects!
Go home about 2 ish after falling over trees, throwing crabs and being attacked by creature of the jungle!!
- comments
tracy all i can say is one dodgy day xxxxx