Got up at 6.30 and set off at 7 to go to the bus! Had a spring roll for breakfast with chilli sauce, no rice crispies for me! Updated all my blogs on bus cos it was 2 and half hours! This one didn't break down though!
Also I've noticed that I have comments on my blogs, pictures and website but I don't get notified for this so I have to go through every one and check to see I I have any, so not being rude if I don't reply!!
Got to the floating market and it was beaut! Got a river paddle boat for 40 minutes which cost 150 baht (£3)! Got some amazing pictures! Took us round the whole thing but it's as bad as the markets, they get a hook and drag your boat towards there stalls! A couple on our boat got to hold a python! Cost loads of money though and we don't have the funds!
Got a strawberry fanta slush puppy! It was sLUSH ;)
After the floating market we got a speed boat through all the canals which was beautiful as it was the real Thailand with lots of houses on the canals.
There was a snake show in the place we got off the speed boat and waited for a bus, saw lots of snakes and a crocodile! Thought it was cruel though! We didn't go to see the show.
Then got an hour long bus to a Thai restaurant and had lunch, I have rice which veg!
Then got an hour long bus to the war museum and River Kwai!
Didn't want to go in to museum, it cost 40 baht (80p)
Walked over to the bridge on River Kwai, its not used anymore so we walked across it. As you have to walk in the middle or either side of the tracks it's difficult, you have to move round people. This girl didn't move and there was no where for me to go so I fell flat on my face! Was hilar! Gave her a universal sign and believe me ... It wasn't a smile!
Got the bus back at 3 and got some well needed sleep! This woman kept trying to make me eat prunes and they are rank! Got back to the hostel at 5.30!
Chilled till 8ish went to Marconi bar for food! This is our favourite restaurant!
Went back to guest house inn hostel then went out to meet Carl and lekkajid (both thai) at mulligans bar at 1.30 ish! Haven't been there past 12 before and it was great! Such good music and the girl and guy that were singing won a competition for he past 3 years for the best singers in Thailand!
All I drink is Mai Thai and Chang! Don't know what either of them are though! Haha
Lekk took us to lava club down khoa San, was great! Ordered mojitos and they put that much mint in it, it was like sucking on a tree! Beaut though!
Met some other Thai people called peng, jdee and Manee! They were hilarious!
Only planned on staying out till 2 ish but ended up joining the street party and the reggae stand! There is some. Crazy people in Bangkok!!
Showed jdee and Manee the picture in our hostel which reads 'no visitors aloud, hostel will provide Thai women cos a charge of 100baht (£2)'. She said sometimes she is ashamed to be from
Thailand as everyone just thinks lady boys, cheap surgery, buying wife's and getting drunk! Then we looked over and there was a group of English people and they had formed mosh pit thing and were pushing into people and I said I felt the same about Britain.
Got in at about 6 ish and had to be up the next for at 8!! Nothing changed with us!!
- comments
Sharron Jenkins Fantastic blog as usual - keep it up x Mum