Got up at 11.30 and checked out of our hostel and into a hostel down the street called inn guest house, it's so much nicer but costs 150 baht more, it costs 500 baht per night which is £5 between us :)
Went to book tours after that and went to the 'go Asia travel bugs' agency! The guy called Reece was so lovely and helped us with everything! We stayed 2 hours!
I had a problem with my card so he booked it all for us and we paid him later.
Went to hub opposite the agency on khoa san for breakfast it was so nice!
Then as michael text on his phone when we only have calls and internet we had to go to the mbk shopping centre in Pink Lao and tool a Tuktuk there! We Haven't got a tuktuk before but it was amazing! Proper feels like you are going to fly out! I would describe it as a shed on a motorbike!
Stayed in mbk for a while, got
Michael's phone fixed and looked at all the shops but it was massive! I bought some mac make up. Foundation, powder, eye liner, mascara and eyebrow kit all cost £2.10 each! SOLD!!
They had weird mannequins everywhere I've uploaded a picture or them.
Went to see how much it would cost to send some clothes home in a big parcel! £45 to get there in 3 weeks or £30 to get there in 2-3 months!!!!
Got a Tuktuk home and chilled in the room for a bit!
Got my card to work with the help of mum and booked tours. We booked ancient city day, floating river and famous bridge day, Thai market and cooking day, night train to chiang Mai (11 hours) on Saturday, 2 days and 1 night elephant treck in the jungle, and night train back to Bangkok on Wednesday I think! Anyway all this cost 6700 which is £130 which is amazing!!! It includes all transfers and buses etc.
Went for tea and it had started raining! Haven't really Spoken about the weather cos I'm not 50 but is so so hot and humid every day that's why I look rank in all the pictures!! It never rains and it blue sky every day! Gets light at 6 ish and gets dark at 7 ish :) but it was drizzling when we went out and I loved it!!!
While at dinner we decided we only live once so I persuaded Michael to go to a ping pong show.
Granny don't read this bit i went straight to sleep really with a hot chocolate!
Got a tuktuk to this dark dingy club and paid to get in. There was about 4 rows with 10 seats each side round a square stage with a pole on each corner and that's where the show was.
This involved 100 meter long chains, wires, ribbons and flowers, straight sex, gay sex, getting ping pong balls into cups, shooting bullets and catching them, smoking cigs, blowing out candles, shooting darts at balloons, drawing pictures with 'welcome to Thailand' written at the top, opening coke bottles with pop tops, taking in water and letting out coke, etc. With some young girls and some old girls. This cost 700 baht! Which is like £13 but ohwell!
Met a couple called Sheena and Toby and shared a tuktuk back to khoa San with them!
Had drinks with them down khoa San road and ended up at the end bar where the batman is called boo and let's me be the dj! Whitney, beyonce and spice girls all night!
Met a spanish boy called Kijermo (don't know how to spell it)
We persuaded Sheena and toby to eat frogs and crickets which meant we had to eat them again! I'm such a carnivore!!!
There is so many rats in Bangkok and we were feeding them!! A boy caught one as well! Should have see me run man! Did not stick around! Haha
We want pictures with lady boys to upload but they charge you!! And I arn't paying! they proper love Michael though!! 'hey pretty boy mwah mwah' you can imagine my reaction.
Looked at my phone and realised it was 5.30 and we had to be up at 6 for a day trip.
Went back to the hotel, put on make up and went for the bus.
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