Put another snag on the barbie mate!
When the plane was about to land at Proserpine (The Whitsunday airport) I had to chuckle :) we landed in the middle of the bush and the terminal was tiny! one room, the gate waiting areas were outside and so was baggage collection! hehe! how sweet! I got a minibus to Airlie Beach and managed to get into Magnums Hostel which was fab cos its a club/bar/hostel so loads going on! Airlie Beach is fab, really smal but so easy to meet ppl and very hot weather.
I met a couple of Aussie girls, Amy and Alex, who were working up here for this summer, and we got very merry indeed! yay! bout time too!! :) hehe! Ended up swimming in the local lagoon til 4in the morning! it was still so hot!
The next day I had the stupidist hangover, my whole body was throbbing and I had to get up at 9 to go on the sailing trip! Not that I minded tho cos the sailing trip was the best thing in the whole world! We were on a boat called 'Boomerang' and everyone was so cool , we all got on so well! Was amazing to be sailing through water that is turqiouse blue and Islands that look like something straight out of a film! Jack Johnson playing in the back ground and it was perfect! Meet Dutch ppl, Canadians, English (actually loadsa english! there is so many of us here!)
As part of the sailing trip we got to snorkel bits of the Great Barrier Reef! I was a little anxious considering the last time I snorkeled was in v shallow water and I ran to the beach thinking my dad was a shark. but as soon as I got in I was jus hooked, it was like being in finding nemo (but unfortunatly I didnt see him! although think i saw a distant cousin of Dori......) It was a whole different world! Saw such colourful fish I didnt even realise something that colour could be a natural thing! Also saw fish half the size of me! They were so cute massive eyes and massive lips and eyes looking around at us as if to say, 'ok mate.... jus gonna swim here for a while..... u dont look like a fish mate..... mmmmm....... actually u look a bit odd....' or something like that! aw so sweet!
Didnt get much sleep on the boat, played some drinking games and slept under the most amount of stars I have ever seen! More stars than sky! Oh yeah and went to a beach which had sand so white and so soft it was like walking on white choc moose or cream or something! Did a bush walk and went to a lookout point which I just kept asking if I was looking at a real view it was stunningly gorgeous in a green and blue and white kinda way! yummy! breathtaking!!
The sailing was fab too, unfortunatly didnt get a lot in because not much wind but was wicked and we got to help with puting the sails up etc. Oh yeah and there was a BBQ on the boat I swear I didnt want to get off! I could have lived there forever!And the sunsets.... wow thats a whole other thing! I could keep going but when u see the photos you'll jus get what Im on about. Will put them on asap!
Was a fab experianec and have made some wicked mates! Am off to Fraser Island next 14hours on a bus south of Airlie Beach! love to everyone! have fun n chat soon! All the best xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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