Arrived in Christchurch late lastnight and luckly managed to get a bed for the night and tonight as well. Its very pretty here, kinda like England. Its not too big which is nice, and very flat so very easy to walk around.
I have been to Christchurch Art Gallery which has the most amazinf exhibition I have ever seen,it was so cool! Its c…
Eh up you lot!!! Hello!!!
So im off! Just me n my backpack n all the gorgeous people im staying with along the way! Im so excited! yay! Cant believe im going :) eeeeeeeeeeeee ;)
I did, however, think that some of ya may appreciate a site to see some pics (if i can work out how to put them on!) and leave messages so i can keep up with all your goss too!
And, dont forget I will be back for christmas so (dont worry!) u can all see my golden tan then! :)
much love to everyone! :) xx
Sorry havent updated recently, will do it when im home as not long now, 24hours I believe! Hears hoping theres good films on the plane!and food! :)see all soon, muchos loveos xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks loads for your messages guys! Jules u r still nuttier than kellogs crunchy nut! glad to hear it!he he! Em im getting very giggly too!!! hehe!!! cant wait to see everyone! I have been forcing the christmas spirit onto anyone who will stay in the same room as me long enough to bear it! Paragliding was amazing, canyon swing was the most petrifying thing i have ever done in my whole life! Still catching my breath! Was so cool tho! Will write more postcards soon, much love and mince pies to everyone! L & B cant wait to see ya at xmas!!! so excited :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hello! wow puddy you are the greatest! that canyon swing looks amazing! i am now back in codford! it is still the ever exciting and thrilling place we left! i am so looking forward to seeing you, am just all giggly! love you millions; codford is very lonely without you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
heya, love love love the photos!! tho having been watching space cadets i am wandering a to whether your just super imposing yourself onto lots of backdrops? you could be in australia or you could have had a spray tan and taken some photo manipulation classes? either way very cool stuff! i'm just finishing col for xmas, i reckon that if i set of now i could get to the north pole in time to have a go on santas sleigh, it would give the ultimate paragliding experience dont you think! (love you to anne-marie-i did message you but i think i got the address wrong)
Oh my goodness. what an amazing brave girl you are. MY heart sank just looking at the picture bungyjumping BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
You must be having a fab time looks like a bit of a climate change NZ after OZ!:> We are cold here as the cooker is out :> no new one in yet! Speak to you when u are with the puds Big HUg Mam of a brave daughter :>
PARAGLIDING!!! bungee jumping!!! I LOVE YOU!!! looks like you are having the time of your life and i cant wait to see you, i love you very much and miss you loads
jo xxxxx
Brian & Linda
Hiya Pud
just going through your photos and you look like your having the time of your life.
great photos and what a wonderful web site this is.
looking forward to seeing and hearing you at christmas time. We are getting everything prepared for santa and over excited at the same time.
laura Harding
looks absolutely amazing in the photos and im so proud of u..i know ur loving every minute!!:)
cant wait for you to come back and hear all your stories...not long at all now!haha!!only joking..very jealous of your tanned complexion tho.
looking forward seeing you over christmas!ive got a week left of uni until im back!lots of love and keep having fun,take care lau xxxxxxxx
anne marie
hey annelies, (hi jules nice you mail her not me hey i'll remember that!!!) sorry to miss you in brisbane, my god it was hot there! 40c, you didn't have to move to sweat ( i know, nice thought!) in byron bay now, did you come here? (sorry i should really read the msg board before i post one ay?) its like my ideal home, the people are far to pretty tho, we are like the token paleys! went kayaking with dolphins this morning was really cool but we paddled sooooo far, will be so stiff by tomorrow. will speak to you soon love xxxxx
heya, your v. tanned annelies! just to let you know i'm not seeing you when you come back until it fades!!!
love the sea to- it's like cartoon blue tootally fun in the sun and blueamazing. i'm meant to be building a 3d house on an animation program at the min so this message might b very long because it's very boring- you wont know how boring untill you've spent two hours building a computer toilet. well have lots more sea and lovely weather!!!!hmmp love youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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HAPPY SINTERKLASS !!! yay! sorry day late! its so so so weird not being able to celebrate it and also all the xmas deco is making me miss everyone! i cant put decorations up :( anyway! am in Christchurch NZ now, which they say is the most English NZ city which i guess it kinda is, its very pretty but there is a lot of rain! ah well!
Nioce one with your essay em! all sounds so exciting! really glad u sound like you are havin a fab time!! who is this certain someone that jo has abandoned me for!?!?! lol, love ya josephine! oer bet no one has called u that for a while, flash from the past! anyhow ppl! best be off! am going to Fox Glacier tomorra! So excited! yay! much love to all, thanks for msgs! see ya in the not to distant future! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx