Hello again...
So we left Melbourne and headed for Sydney on Monday 16th Feb. James (Vikki’s friend who we were staying with for the 2 weeks) picked us up and showed us around briefly in the car. We saw Sydney Harbour Bridge, Opera house and just generally showed us where everything was! They live in North Sydney which was a great location to be able to reach everywhere in like a 10 min bus ride!! So we arrived at the Russell Residence…to meet Tori and have dinner. That evening we just caught up and headed for an early night!
We were so tired from constantly being on the go in Melbourne that the first few days in Sydney we just totally chilled…no site seeing…the only thing we did was go to the gym a couple of times!
Tuesday Night I met up with my friend Sam who I worked with at TMEI and her new man in Darling Harbour!! Had a lovely evening…although I was stone cold sober…I couldn’t drink because I was on antibiotics for an ear infection!! Nice one hey…But I think Sam made up for the pair of us…and all that know her will know that’s certainly true!! Lol!
On the Thursday we met up with 2 Irish Guys that Vikki met on her travels in Asia….such funny people!! They have been in Sydney for a few months so they showed us a bit of the city and where things were…took us to see the Opera house close up! Had a couple of drinks with them and headed home for dinner!! The following day we went to Manly beach by Ferry with Steve and James. Ferry takes about Half hour and is nice to see the bridge and Opera house from a different angle. Had a very exciting day at Manly though…while laying on the beach listening to my iPod…there was a sound like world war 3 had just broken out….yes it was in fact the shark alarm!! A shark had been spotted in the sea, so everyone was ordered to get out of the water! However the surfers are just crazy…some don’t get out at all, some get out have a look out into the ocean from shore and run back in!! I did actually brave a paddle about 20 mins after…but went no further than my knees! Then, just as we were settled on the beach after a dip, another announcement comes across the whole of the beach…can you all please get out of the water…Blue Bottle Jelly fish have been sited and people have been stung…very exciting day hey?? I burnt my back really badly…had the whole outline of the bow from my Bikini…did look funny!! Even though I put Factor 30 on…but I think in all the excitement I probably didn’t reapply as much as I should have done!! After all that excitement…we headed back to the city where we stopped for a few drinks before heading home……come on we had the Irish boys with us…there was no way they’d walk past the pub! Lol!
Saturday Vikki’s friend Julie picked us up and showed us all the Northern Beaches …We went to Palm Beach and saw where Summer Bay Surf Club was that’s in Home and Away ...but it was such awful day weather wise we couldn’t get out the car to take some nice pics!! Then it was time to do a Saturday night in the city we hooked up with James and Steve again and there 2 flat mates Anna and Sophia! We had a crazy night out and think we crawled in literally about 6am!! Sunday was a chilling day after that and in the evening James and Torie had friends over for a BBQ!
Monday we went to the Blue Mountains and Steve came with us!! We were really lucky with the weather, apparently it’s the first day it hasn't rained up there for a week or so! We saw some awesome views and because it was blue sky and nice fluffy clouds it was so clear!! Was a long day but worth seeing!! Can you believe there are over 700 types of eucalyptus tress in the world and koalas can only live off 12 of them!
We headed back in the city and the 3 of us went to the largest IMAX screen in the world to watch Batman…Simon said I only went to see Batman on a large screen so his package looked bigger…..That’s Mr Hewitt for you!! Great film tho!
James wanted to take Vikki and I for dinner to his favourite restaurant and asked us to give him an evening we could do, as he would have to book a table but he said the weather had to be good...... Vikki asked what the restaurant was called and apparently it’s the restaurant with no name!!!!!! He said his their best customer and not many people know about it, its quite exclusive….so all the time we are so intrigued…how could he make a reservation if it had no name???
So, Tuesday arrived and James called during the day to say Tori and I will take you for dinner tonight!! Having showered and ready we didn’t know what to wear!! Tori arrived home and I had my pj's on and said to her what sort of thing should we wear tonight…where are we going?? Tori said oh you’ll be absolutely fine like that (meaning my PJ’s…Tori obviously didn’t know they were my PJ’s) We laughed so much… this restaurant has no name, James is the best customer and I can wear my PJ’s where the hell are we going?? Lol! Anyway we got dressed grabbed some wine as James said it was BYO. James told Tori to grab the blanket and for us girls to take jumpers as it can get cold there sometimes and off we went!! Vikki and I we’re still giggling, giving each other strange looks…where the hell where we going!! Anyway we arrived down near the bridge and Tori jumped out the car… James said Tori just had to do something and while she was gone he would show us the prime ministers Sydney home ….Vikki suggested us parking in that time because the roads looked busy and he said that that wasn't a problem because the restaurant had valet parking. Then we drove back and there was Tori, along with 4 massive Pizza we went to get parked…yes we had a picnic right down on the Sydney Harbour Bridge…it was awesome!! Pizza, wine, good company and watched the sunset over Sydney Harbour Bridge
While in Sydney we also went to Bondi beach for the day! Had quite a funny experience here too…a seagull nearly took Vikki’s sandwich from her hand mid air as she was looking the other way!! So funny. I screamed at her and everyone around us was laughing…watching what was going on!!
We met Vikki’s friend Nicholas who took us for a drink at the Opera Bar and then went for dinner in Darlinghurst at a beautiful little Italian where everything is homemade and it was all gorgeous food. He then took us for ice cream at the best place in Sydney…yum yum always room for ice cream!! Great evening and again went somewhere new!!
We also climbed the bridge in Sydney….now this was amazing!! At first in the morning the weather looked so rubbish we thought we’d save it for another day but early afternoon the sun was beaming and up we went but it was still not too hot so perfect weather when you have to wear an all in one overall type suit!! We also had to be breathalysed because if you are over the limit you are not allowed to climb!! So anyway…once had paid, off we went to get into our sexy suits!! Your not allowed to take anything on this trip with you…no watches, bracelets etc etc, only sunnies (which are tied to your suit too). Vikki and I even left our clothes behind! LOL! The guide said it might get hot and/or cold on the walk so we decided to climb solely in our jump suit.....god help anyone who may have to help out if we were in an accident! lol! Once we were fully kitted with no loose articles …We had a practice climb before setting out and climbing to the highest point of the bridge!! We were kitted with radios so we could hear the guide at all times. They also attached you to the side of the bridge so you can’t fall! The views were just out of this world and the Queen Mary was docked at Sydney for the day so we got a great view of that!! There were 1438 steps!!!!!!! It stands 134m above mean sea level, Over 1400 workers were employed on the Sydney Harbour Bridge each year and 16 workers lost their lives during the eight year construction period. 79% of the steel used to make the bridge was imported from England.
Another crazy weekend spent in the city…Friday night at the Rocks!! Where we met up with another couple of Vikki’s friends Nicola and Ness!! We had a great night, drinking cheap Champers. The next day was awful…the hangover from hell set in and I was feeling ill!! Yes I know what your thinking mum…oh Anna why did you drink so much but it seemed fun at the time!! I decided the next morning that mixing Champers and a glass of red wine…was not the best move!! Was a crazy night us 4/5 girls out together…had such a giggle and got some funny pictures!! The night didn’t end there either…..4.30am Vikki and I were trying to re-make our bed that we had stripped and washed before we went out!! Now this was funny!! I had already put a pillow case on my pillow before we went out and when we got back in drunk…Vikki and I are running around trying to look for this pillow case…in the washer in the dryer…tangled up in the sheets…suddenly after about 15 minutes I said oh Vix I think I’ve already put it on the pillow!!! LOL!!
Saturday was a beautiful day…and Vikki made me tackle the ferry feeling rather delicate!! We headed to Watson’s bay for Doyle’s Fish and Chips!! That night was spent chilling!! I can’t do 2 nights out anymore and have hangovers!! LOL! Sunday session in ' The Oaks' at Neutral Bay. Then I headed into the city to meet Jo (Adam’s girlfriend) as she was flying home to Scotland and made a stop in Sydney! So I left Vikki with her friends and off I went for dinner and drinks with Jo!! Then I stayed with Jo in the city and the next day we headed out for some lunch and shopping!! That night Jo, Vikki and I headed to the pictures to watch Slum dog millionaire! Great movie!
While in Sydney we also went to Hunter Valley vineyards….wine tasting at 10.30am!! Met some great people on this trip…a couple we met have offered us to stay at there place in Townsville when we get there too which we are going to do!! In the evening some of us from the bus went for dinner and a few more drinks!!
Another place done and dusted…Sydney was a great city…next stop Port Macquarie!!
Bye for now.
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