Guess you are home now. Sorry not been keeping in touch but a lot has been going on. Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Love Susan x
Tom-Arse Westall
Morning Wicker-basket! How's it diddling?
Can't believe you’re nearly done with travelling, how radio is that?! Your photos and updates make me cry with jealously.
As well as others we’ll have to catch up over coffee or soup and your have to give me tips and advice on travelling!! muchos love xxx
Johnny B
So your travels are almost over . Looking forward to seeing you soon, enjoy your last few days.
Hey honey,
Just looked at your Glacier pics. Looks bloody freezing but wicked at the same time! It's such a shame i won't be here when you get back. I was saying to Gina that we'll organise another night for the 3 of us to get together in Brentwood or something. So looking forward to seeing you although i know you don't want to come back, i wouldn't!!!!!
Take care of yourself, enjoy Vegas and i'll speak to you soon. xxx
Hey there chick,
Great to speak to you the other night, thanks for calling hun was lovely to hear your voice. Will be great to see you in couple weeks, there is soooo much stuff we have to catch up on. Hope you arrived in LA safely and are enjoying the last leg of your travels. Have a fab time in New York when you meet your mum, send her my love and see you soon chikadee woo woo!! WOO WOO!!! love ya loads. take care see you soon. becca xxx
Just read my previous post, the spelling is shocking.
It is late mind. ha ha
Looks like you are doing just about every exciting adventure activity you can. I'm jealous, althopugh jumping out of a perfectedly normal plane is not the right thing to do.
Carry on having a great time.
Speak soon.
Looks like your having an awesome time!!! Keep the pics coming....
Take care and carry on having a blast!
Hi hun,
You go girl!!! What a daredevil you are. I just love the sky diving pics. It looks amazing.
Look like you must be running out of exciting things to do as you seem to have done everything!
Keep those pics coming.
Ali X
Hey hun!
Wicked pics of you sky diving!!
Hi Anna,
Was so good to speak to you this morning, you sound really well & happy, can't believe you jumped out of a plane... & that you are going to do it again!!!!
Lisa Aka Turn-On
Hey Wicks!
Am finally putting a message on here! Wicked photos - looks like your have such a brill time. Bet you're not looking forward to coming back. Am so jealous, especially the dolphins!