Wednesday 30th July, 2008 - Sum up of London and last day in Flat before Top Deck
The last 2 weeks in London have not been very eventful that's why I haven't kept the blogs up to date. Basically been packing and sorting through backpack and deciding what to take and what to leave at Stephen & Rachel's. Today is Wednesday 30th July, 2008 and tomorrow at 6:30 Minya & Me will be bording the Top Deck Bus for 20 days in Europe.
I finished work on Tuesday 22nd July and since just been counting down the days being bored and trying not to spend money. Bec left us on Saturday, and unfortunately left the house in total mess and that really pissed us both off. Sorry Bec if you read this but you know how annoyed we were. So on that Sat afternoon Minya and Me got stuck into the cleaning of her room and finished ours as well.
The last two days have been spent cleaning the unit. The weather for the past 6 days have been 25-30'c so beautiful and sunny. Even through this is a normal day in Australia I have gotten used to the 16'c day and thinking this is really hot.
The highlights of everyday since I left work is, don't laugh when you read this, but watching Home & Away.
The issue about the unit is very stressful at the moment. Been advertising for 6 weeks now and had about 17 inspections plus renewing the ad everyday with different description so people don't know it's the same unit . We may have found 2 girls but they are having issues with the parking of their car and trying to work it out with the owner and we will find out this afternoon if they are moving in. Fingers crossed otherwise we can pretty much kiss our bond away which is bulls*** - sorry about the language but its so frustrating. Hani at Ludlow Thomspon had pissed me off to the max and not helping with anything even through Sarah the landlord is paying them to advertise. It BULLs*** they are a real estate and this is the busiest time of year. The real estate I was working at rented flats in like 3-4 days. Hani got a few horrible emails from me but he just sent horrible ones back saying I was suggesting he didn't know how to do his job (total true otherwise he would of found someone by now) I'll be very pissed off if you don't get our bond back. It was a s*** load of money for a place that wasn't cleaned at start of our lease, still had half the owners items left in it which we lived around and we only got our own rooms for a month while there so living on top of each other which did bother me from time to time because there was no personal space and I need personal space. (that was our choice to get a 2 bedroom place through)
I wish I could take the last 3 months back and do it different. For a start we should of lived apart in shared accommodation because you know what they say Friends should never live together, not that it has wrecked the relationship but would have been easier on everyone without the arguments and always been in each others space. Plus making new friends would have been easier apart. This is not changing anything by me writing this but it is making me fell better. Secondly I should of got a more funnier job without being stuck in an office, should of lived and worked in a pub and thirdly and most importantly I should have not let myself put on so much weight. I could almost say nothing positive has come out of 3 months in London but really shouldn't let myself think like that. I am very grateful of have Stephen and Rachel around and glad I have got to see them as much as I have. Thanks Guys for putting up with my complaining.
I know you may be thinking god Angela, just enjoy life, you are overseas so make it work. I have worked out the thing that is stopping it from working. It's NOT what I want to do, I moved overseas so it would be completely different from what I know back home and get me more social & educated cause lets face it I am not the sharpest tool in the shed. But having a flat and working in London is just like living back home where there is no real culture change and living is so expensive. I know working was always going to be on the cards (well it had to be - money wise) but wish we travelled in Europe on the start of the trip because the money we have spent on unit and in London would have got us 2 months travel around Europe then I wouldn't of mined settling to work because would have had too.
So that's my whinge about London, I guess you have to go though these things to realise its not right and realise what you really what to do.
Tomorrow is a new beginning and now that I have got that all out of my system I am looking forward to it more then ever.
After the top deck tour I have made some sure travel plans. We get back on the 19th August and I am booked to fly out of London on 25th August to Valencia in Spain for La Tomatina festival (huge tomato fight on the street). Booked in a tour from 25th to 28th August with Bec then we will explore Spain by train going to Granada, Madrid, Zaragosa & Barcleona where I fly out to Athens - Greece on the 2nd September. Nothing planned after……….. but will be travelling on my own. Now exciting.
So my blog for the next 20 days will be full of Travel stories from Top Deck.
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