Saturday 5th July 2008 - Henley Rowing Regatta
Well I finally got over origin night hangover. Today wake up to rain. Me & Minya had planned to meet Rachel & Stephen for Henley Rowing Regatta and it wasn't confirmed until 20 minute before we had the leave because of the crappy weather so getting ready was a mission and getting to Paddington station was another mission but we made it in time. The train ride was 1 hour and 15 mins away. Stephen and Rachel had 2 friend and Katie (Rachels sister) so there was 7 of us in total. We had to take 2 trains first train Rachel opened the Pimms for a starter and the second train was an experience. There was just so many people trying to get on, that the train couldn't wait anymore the scramble was on for young and old. I was at the back of the line with Stephen and Sean and they ran to see if they could get in another door and Minya and Rachel were in front of me. In the end we all got on but with sores to prove our fight. Inside the train wasn't any better so for 15 minutes we stood without personal space in the hot so everyone was sweating and to make it worse a girl was going to spew all over everyone cause she got to freaked out about the space, luckier she made it until the stop. The Henley Rowing Regatta is like the races everyone gets dressed up in fancy dresses, but not us we were all in casual clothes and we had the walk through the posh area to get to the general bank side of the river. We set up a picnic area and ate lots and lots of food and drunk lots of Pimms. Felt like we were really in England today and so glad I went to actually go something English. The Pimms was made the right way with all the fruit inside, was delicious. Me & Minya are planning to make it the summer BBQ drink back to Australia. Weather wise the day went from Hot to cold but didn't rain thank god. After eating way to much me & Minya left about 7pm and the mission for the other guys was to finish all the food and Pimms before they left, they were going to be there for a while in that case. Train ride home so still packed but we were in the front so got a seat all the way back to London. Thanks for a great day Rachel & Stephen.
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