Starting with a bank holiday Monday is always a bad thing back home – normally means it will spend the day raining so a day inside is what is planned. But hey – im not in England am I, oh no we spent the day touring Perth in the soaring heat!! Not bad not bad! We started off by seeing Kings Park, Botanical Gardens, and a drive down the esplanade to see the Swan River and the Bell tower! Made it to the park with Pip and the boys when we got back before dinner was ready! Really nice being back in a home environment, and having the boys around is so a giggle!
We decided that the best way to get around Perth is by buying a travel card so we can use it on the train (which runs from start to end of Perth) and on the buses. First trip to the shops! Not a bad effort, many shopping malls, and maybe 4 main streets. Kept a look out for any job vacancies but not looking very hopeful.
As we didn’t find much in the city we spent the rest of the week going to all the suburbs to shopping malls and other retail parks and trying our luck there. We went to Scarborough, Karrinyup and the Carine but same same! The job paper was our next task!
While we were at Scarborough though (which is a nice beach with lots of fish and chip eateries) we found an English pub – The Staffordshire Arms! So only being normal and doing our bit for the community we went in for a sneaky pint – or a few ciders!! Haha! We left feeling a bit wobbly! Love it!
Saturday was our day with the Holt-Browns! Pip and Keith and the boys took us to see the Bell Tower and the Perth Wheel. They were real cool, the Perth Wheel much like the London Eye which neither of us have been on, and the Bell Tower is what it says on the tin – a tower where they ring the bells!! It’s a cool build though, made into the shape of a ship. Can’t remember why that was though but it looked cool! The boys enjoyed the tower, but the wheel was the best, had really good views looking out over the swan river that splits Perth in 2. This is what we saw from Kings Park earlier in the week. Finished the week by having a day by the pool in the sun, managed to get Pippa out there too with us which was nice! Keith was playing backyard cricket to!
Wicked first week on the West Coast of Australia!
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