This week was gunna be good, I could feel it! Nah only joking! Hmm, we wondered around Coogee to see if our luck would change on the job front, and it was actually pretty good. We found that Boost, Dominos, Juice It, a café and a restaurant were looking for staff so we handed around our CVs and filled in which ever applications we needed to.
Tuesday was a day for the beach as the sun was pretty damn hot today, so me and Lisa headed to Bondi to meet with Tina, Jodie and James. We were led sunning ourselves when for once I got a phone call. It was good news from Dominos Pizza, they wanted us both to go in for an interview – result!!
It must have been our lucky day because we got a ring back from Steve about the coaching we were to start after Christmas too and then Lisa got a call back from Fitness First! We went home for a glass or box of goon to celebrate lol!
Being in such good moods, we all headed to watch the new Batman film in an outside cinema, so we took our box of goon, and picked up some nibbles to keep us going. It was really cool actually, a massive screen with a drinks and nibbles stand that also sold booze! You had to take your own blanket or in our case our towels with us or you could pay extra and get a bean bag sofa! Awesome! The film was wicked too, defo recommend seeing it if you haven’t already!
Thursday was the interview day – so we got our best clothes on and headed down to met with some bloke called Dennis! It went awesome, I was in there ages too just chatting to this fit as franchisee bloke called Zane – very nice!! Dennid however, was just a big gay German dude who shaved his legs hahaha!
We both did real well and got a call back and both offered a driving job! Yep – we are gunna be Dominos Pizza delivery drivers lol! Oh well, it was all good! Start after xmas!
The end of the week was time to go out and party! It was a mass night out for all the people from Oz Bus, so there was all of us girls, plus the 2 Matts, James, Brad, John, Ben and lots of drink and dancing! Wicked night at The Gaff and Side Bar! Most people were out like on there Christmas party’s cause everyone was wearing santa hats! We got a free one going into the Gaff!! Lol – the Gaff was a classic place!! Lol!
The weekend we knew was gunna be big, after the Friday night with the Oz Bus lot, then Katie and Charmaine got to Sydney on the Saturday so we met with them for a walk around Paddy’s Market, then we hit the Gaff again, and spent the whole night in there on the dance floor!! Katie brought her cousin Karl with her and it was a hysterical night! It actually ended in us nearly being chucked out of Hungry Jacks (Ozzy burger king!) for being too loud and boisterous! Haha and we made some very good friends in there too haha! Wink wink!
Sunday was the night id been looking forward to because we all decided to go to Christmas Carols at Darling Harbour! It was luch, so Christmassy and the songs were awesome and the tree was wicked and everyone was just happy and oh it was wicked! We were all there, James, Tina, Jodie, Charmaine, Katie, Me, Lisa, 3 of James’ mates, and a few others in our group. It was really cool.
The songs were funny, a bit random but we learnt quite a few and we were all singing them on the bus on the way home! Lol!
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