A massive holiday falls on today, Australia day which is exactly how we should celebrate St Georges Day, like the Irish do Paddy’s Day and the Ozzies do not let themselves down either, not like us English! They get a national holiday, they get to have festivals, shows are put on by the navy, there are free buses put on in the city and everything! It’s awesome – they are soo proud of their country!
We went into the city with Katie and Charmaine to see a parachute jump in front of the Harbour Bridge but it was eventually called off because the wind got up lol! This is what would happen at home if we did it! But it was good to see all the drunken ozzies loving their moment in the spot light! Plus we couldn’t miss the free buses!!
Anyway, as it was called off we went to do our usual shifts at dominos!
As we knew we were coming to our last few days with the girls still being with us before they went off to do fruit picking, we thought that we should all go to see Palm beach, where Home and Away is set – so we did!!
We caught the bus there and set up on the beach before Lisa and Katie hired some surf boards to go catch the waves. Me and Charmaine played bat and ball instead and then we went to explore and see if we could find Alf Stewart!! Well, we found the surf club, and the beach bit, and took lots of pics but Alf was nowhere to be seen unfortunately. I thought he was gunna be my ticket to an Australian citizenship lol!
After the wicked day, we all went for our last supper (well only for 2 months)! As we had to go back home via the city, we stopped in China Town for some munch!
I must have caught some sort of flu from them home and away people cause the next day I was not well at all! Spent all of it in bed instead, but did manage to read some more of my book! Anyway, landlord Lisa was on the war path and actually kicked out all the boys today!! Lol. So that saw John, James, Ben and Terrance out on their ear haha! Funny stuff but what do they expect if they don’t pay her rent!!
The flat was left to jus us 4 girls for the last night and then unfortunately early morning the girls where up to find some fruit :o( It was a sad moment but hey, they are coming to New Zealand with us now in the camper van so the troubles will start again soon!
Late afternoon saw us get some very sad news. Our friend Ohad from Israel was currently travelling by himself in New Zealand and was out on a walk when he apparently went off the beaten track. His car was later found without him in it and an air ambulance found him half way down a cliff, embedded on a rock. Very sad as we had known him for most of out time in Oz and to hear of such a horrible accident was just awful. We felt for Katie and Charmaine because he had befriended them on their first day of their trip. RIP Ohad xx
After receiving the bad news we needed to be cheered up, some we started our search for flights to go across to Perth, and we managed to find a bargain so we got that booked, and a smile returned to our faces.
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