Alli & Pete's Adventures
Well the third week has flown by so quick, it is hard to think what it is I have done every day to keep so busy ! Today we got our fourth doctor to sign up to our free medical treatment program for the poor people. Lastnight was the first night that our Cultural Show went 'live' with several tourists there to see it and they all gave generous donations to the musical family which was fantastic for them. I bought a visitors book for the Maya Charity and we now get all interested people to write their names and email etc, it is surprising how many people are willing to donate once we tell them about the work we are doing for these villagers. I also met another Political Head today, he is going to come with us to the Tourism Board in Bhopal to discuss our project work and try to get government assistance where appropriate. I have completed a revised version of the leaflet which explains all the work our charity is doing, this is now with the Printers and we hope to get 1,000 copies distributed in the next couple of weeks, especially now that we are getting some of the hotels and businesses in Orchha on board with our ideas. I guess they can all see that we are creating employment opportunities for them, as well as caring for those that can't afford it. Myself and another guy Babban are now starting to circulate with the tourists and get them to come to the charity shop and the cultural show. I thought I was really shy and would never be able to 'sell' anything, but it is amazing how my confidence level has increased, especially when I start talking to people who are all travelling in India and finding the same amazing experiences. Everybody comments on the beauty of the people, certainly something I am overwhelmed with still. I also visited another two schools in a village 4 km down the road, the principal of the government school said I am welcome to come and teach English to the students anytime I want to, the teacher and students also spent quite alot of time with me and made me feel so welcome. I think I will start doing this teaching work next week, in addition to all the charity work, it is certainly keeping me out of mischief being busy anyway ! I wake at 6am or earlier every day, usually because I go to bed about 9 pm these days (exhausted every day), and I am studying my TEFL course for a couple of hours before I head off to breakfast and then out for the day. It is so much easier studying when I can see the reality of these peoples lives and I now have a much better understanding of the issues they face in trying to juggle work, chores, family life and education. This is an amazing experience, one I think everyone could benefit from doing !
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