After Austin we drove and drove and drove to west Texas. We stopped first of all in San Antonio..such a pretty place.
Checked out the Alamo! A lot smaller than I thought. They have this thing called the river walk which is just full of shops restaurants and bars along a river..Mart found $20 In a cash point so ate with that. I brought another tree decoration-it's a cowboy boot!
Carried on driving then to ballmorea...literally in the middle of no where but it was amazing place to camp. It had a natural spring as a pool which felt like heaven as its so hot. We had dinner and was chillin out looking at the stars..I saw something flying towards us and shouted what is that as it exploded. The other trek leader decided to attack us with fireworks and smoke bombs. It was pretty funny until the park ranger told us he was calling the police. He said he'd briefed all his staff about us trek America people. Oops!! I was so hot in the tent last night Mart actually got me ice to rub of my legs and arms. We heard screams turns out a tarantula had come to play!
Woke up earlier made pancakes and set off to New Mexico!!
Drove to Carlsbad caverns. I hope my camera photos do it justice because it was insane. Caves that you hike down 800feet literally the most incredible view.
Currently driving another hour to camp an tonight were going to check out a drive in movie!
I'm off to Roswell tomorrow and then I can't remember where else but tonight we shall be making our tin foil hats so the aliens can't suck our brains out!
- comments
sof Omg plz plz take loads of pictures in roswell the ufo centre watch out for tess n nasabos lol x