I seem to have lost a blog from Saturday in cyberspace (please remember) i am new to this, but doing better at it everyday.
So ok we arrived back in the UK early hours of Monday morning, but so much to tell you and show you so i will try and recreate the blog i lost.
We met up with Mario from the APCC, this photo shows the main centre in Coimbra, here children of all ages from 0 upwards attend classes, parents also meet, gather and learn about disabilities faced by their children, they learn about what facilities are avilable to help each child grow and how to help them achieve. A wonderful light, airy building, filled with colour, laughter and the most amazing pupils and teachers. Whilst looking around a group were just setting off to attend a Boccia tournament, one of the students is a champion at the game at Paralympic level.
We were given a tour, the facilities available were amazing, brought back plenty of ideas for everyone to try.
Later in the day we went to the farm, this is where students can progress to and learn a wide variety of skills, horticulture, equine, agriculture, mechanisation plus much more.
We looked at the production of mushrooms, plants, and even some wonderful marmalade etc which is then sold to staff from the farm and the main centre, as well as others, but generally the produce is so good that it is the staff who purchase most of it.
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