Having contacted the organisation we're out here with to tell them we were unhappy with our job, on Sunday we were confronted by our boss who said they had found us a new job in a town called Quilpie, a few hours away and would be leaving on Monday morning. We had to get a lift with the Mail Man, but just before he arrived we received a phone call to say there was no job! We went anyway as we didnt know what else to do and spent about 3 hours driving on a straight road with nothing around us except a fair few dead kangaroos and a few other animals. We also saw some (live) Emus! We had rather an amusing journey, stopping several times to drop things off at others peoples properties, until we broke down in the middle of nowhere! Fortunately he had a Satellite phone which he used to contact someone but not before saying "I'm not sure I have any charge left in this" and scaring us to death!!! Anyway we were then picked up by his wife who offered us dinner and a night in their caravan. She also took us to several places in town to find work. Unfortunately we didnt find anything but the manager of the pub where we thought we had a job originally offered us 2 nights accomodation and food and then a lift to the nearest big town in exchange for a couple of days bar work. We were disappointed we couldnt stay as the people there were lovely and the chef cooked us amazing food at every meal time.
So yesterday we arrived in Charleville where we then made an 11 hour bus journey to Brisbane, arriving at 8.30am this morning. The last few days feel rather surreal....the mail man would never offer you his caravan in England! But thankfully we are now safe in a Youth Hostel in Brisbane where we are hoping to find some work, either through our organisation or ourselves. Fingers crossed we will have better luck next time!
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