Rhiannon, late birthday wishes. I seem to have lost track of time. We keep reading your blog and look forward to seeing you again soon. Have you been out to the Barrier Reef
Mum And Dad
Rhiannon has not been updating her blog because she has no internet access at the moment. She is, however, hoping to rectify that shortly. She is fit and well and enjoying being at the farm. Hope all her friends are ok. We miss hearing about you all.
Mum And Dad
Wonderful to talk to you at length this morning. The job on the farm sounds best. You can always get in touch with Tony or me for advice although I'm a little rusty on the agriculture scene at the now! (Dad). Look forward to hearing how you get on. Love, Mum, Dad & Owain. xxx
Glad that you have found something now, it seems like a better opportu ity. Take care
Love Jacky and Tony
Hi Rhiannon. I wonder if you realise just how surreal it all sounds. There may be a book to write at the end of your stay! I hope you can find a job that you'll enjoy - but hey - just trying can be remarkably interesting. Keep safe and happy. xx
Oh that's a little rubbish about the mean owner! Maybe she'll get to like you after a few more days godd news on the internet front though! Quick update i (without you) saw Girls Aloud + others @ Wembley and OMG amazingness unfortunately they still refused to let me be the 6th member - i have no idea why! However our dear Cheryl who i thought could do no wrong has released a solo song called fight for this love (have a youtube!) and sadly i am greatly dissapointed. Sugababes ahd a bust up and now one of them got replaced by that eurovision entrant and that's all the goss i have!
Oooh is it Stacey your working with at the hotel / pub thing then? And....your thoughts on Stacey please..can you understand her better lol.
I'm back from Wales and I'm following your adventure. It sounds amazing! I can't believe what you've been up to! How's the new job in the hotel and can you book me in?? xxx
I still can't believe you're now on the other side of the world for a year! It looks so awesome, don't fry too much though!
And I'm with Rupal, I wouldn't say no to a few pics of the local talent either! xxxxx
Hi! I've totally been stalking you and OMG the beach the architecture is absolutely stunning i'm super jelous! I still don't understand why they gave criminals such a beautiful country! Anyway i'm glad to hear you found someone you sort of know - small world! Have you managed to get a well fit tan yet? I bet your super albino like compared to everyone else haha! Hope your having an amazing time so far! Love you xxx
PS i'm still waiting for pictures of hunks to be posted - don't let me down now!
You sounded totally exhausted when we spoke last night. Glad you have met with the others and hope you have a super time at the beach. Doctor Manni asked after you and sent his best wishes. Going out with the girls tonight!(Dot, Julie etc.)
shame you couldnt meet up with stacey. i may go to singapore just to usethe loos now lol a world tour on toilets! xx
Glad to hear that your journey to Singapore went well, Rhi. The airport sounds amazing! Looking forward to the next update soon....missing you already. Keep in touch. Sweni x