Again arrived early into Huaraz we found a hostal and for the first time didnt have to have a sleep after a night bus, maybe we are getting used to it.
We checked out the town and loved it. We sussed out heaps of companies to book the Santa Cruz Trek. In the arvo we took a local bus to some ruins close to town. As we waited in the bus for it to fill up before we could go we were treated to some diesel fumes care of the bus getting fixed next to us being right next to our open window. It was a pretty bad local van and the road was so rough finally getting there after 1 hour it was raining at the ruins and we were stuck there, the people who work at the ruins said that there were no other buses this arvo and we would have to walk. We had no wet weather gear and were really not looking foward to walking. After about 20 mins talking broken spanish with the workers they saw a bus so we piss bolted in the rain and squeezed in with the other 15 locals. We made it back to Huaraz safe and dry so that was good.
To aclimatise ourselves for the Santa Cruz trek we hired bikes and caught a taxi 4000mtrs above sea level to a small village where we could ride back downhill. We got pretty high and it was looking cloudy and raining so we thought lets start riding. We had full wet weather gear this time which was handy as it was freezing up there in the clouds. The ride was great fun on the way back down and great views of Huaraz. There were heaps of feral dogs on the way and they were chasing and barking at us it was funny to see from behind and I´m glad Junior was going first. Although I copped a car tyre thrown by a kid who was playing with it on the side of the rode much to Juniors amusement. It only took about 1 hour to get back down even though the locals said it would take about 3. Junior got a flat tyre right at the bottom of the hill so we pushed the bikes back to town. I guess thats where the extra time comes in.
We were booked to do the Santa Cruz Trek the next day so we spent our last night packing and preparing ourselves for the trek.
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