Our first trip to Mexico City ALONE!!!!
Normally not a scary thought but we have been warned so much about bad stuff that Hana (and possibly secretly me) is panicking about everyone! She hasnt worked out yet what the stero typical pick pocketer looks like!!
We caught the underground, a mission in itself if you dont understand Spanish! But luckliy we knew directions and pictures to navigate our way around.
We then went to the local zoo, which was free so we thought an excellent travelling excurision save some pennies for drinking in Acapulco! Think we were the only British people there, and i think we do stand out a little as ever speaks english to us even ifwe havent spoken! The zoo was massive with loads of animals in well kept inclosures i think we were suprised how nice it was considering it was free. As you can see by our pictures we enjoyed taking some rather unusal shots..... Hana still with her obsession!
Hana instead on going to the reptile section to see all the snakes of Mexico, when we got there we could have our picture taken with a Boa, i went first and because it curled around my neck Hana freaked out a little and refused to have her picture taken. Even when the guy was trying to tell her it was dangerous, she was not impressed! We spent the rest of the walk around the snake inclosure with Hana convinced snakes were on her and that they were all going to eat her!
We topped the day off with an excellent lunch consisting of no meixcan food just yummy Dominio pizzas, however Mexican Dominios isnt great and i still added chilli sauce must be adapting to Mexican life.
Back home now and we have packed our bags ready to set off on our backpacking travels at 7am tomorrow morning. Only 5 1/2 hours on a bus but at least we met sun sea and sand!! Get the tan rolling!
We are going to miss our new friends the dogs, still trying to find room in the bag to take them with us! Think it will add to Hana's ideal surfer image!
We dont know what the internet will be like now so not sure when we will be online next but will fill you all in ASAP!!!
Loves and Kisses Becki & Hana xoxoxox
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