We arrived at Nelson mid morning after stopping for an overnighter in Blenheim.... we had come from a fabulous market in Blenheim picking up loads of fresh fruit & veggies & some deliciously huge fresh eggs ummmmm! we thought as we hit the road.......
Our first stop was at the legendary 'pak N save' a local supermarket that is known to save young travellers on a budget alike.... lots of money!! not really its just cheaper than the rest of them..... from here we did the duitiful duities of water & dumping stops and headed into town.
Nelson was a rather big town compared to what we had been recently used to, to you & I about as big as maybe blackwood?? if a little bigger!! it had a Mac Y d's burger King & subway which ment it was on the larger scale for the south Island (can you tell how we have been comparing the size of towns....yep! on the amount of fast food avaliable)
Driving around town we were tempted to go out for the evening.......firstly it was Saturday night! secondly we wanted to watch the FA cup final (yeah with a 3am! kickoff) and thirdly the guy in the shop had told us Nelson was a cool place to go out at the weekend!! soooo why not we thought...spoil ourselves lol!! whilst going for a run Donzy collected the wine & Lucy sussed out a place to watch the match, well only until half time & then they closed, but that was all the perswading we needed!!
We got ready and had a little drink whilst listening to some house music, it must of got us right in the mood! we hit the town in force & maybe a little tipsy!! we went to well kinda the only pub to go to before hitting the only club in town....Nelson's where its really happening! whoo hoo!
As soon as we got into the pub we realsied that we were in the minority, we were soon to find out the men in Nelson outweighed the women by about ooohhhh lets say 14 2 1... we got talking to a couple of guys from the town, exchanging info on travelling rugby & football...... from here...... at the Tequila slammers part everything was kinda Hazy.....
Lucy awoke in the of the middle of the night (fully dressed!) like a bull at a gate....knocking things over as she stumbled for a drink, wondering how the hell she had gotten home & into bed......she lay awake trying to piece together the nights events hoping Donz would recall some of the details.....
When they both awoke in the morning there were tears of laughter!! as Donz recalled Lucy sitting on the floor in the ladies toilets asking for they left the club in search......only to find nothing was avalible or open except this greasy place with a Mauri women cover in tattoos serving, stating 'this is all we got left & we dont take card!' Donz refused to eat from there on the advice of passers by, Lucy Oblivous to the world around insisted on eating a sausage on a stick! covered in tomatoe sauce...This however Lucy does not remember but took Donna's word for it when waking up with sauce all over her top! ooooppppss!! Donz also reminded Lucy that at her request they got a taxi home only to realise that they were about a 2minute drive away,
'oh right but how did we pay for the taxi' Lucy asked
'oh I used your card & signed for you' Donzy said
....this was when Lucy accepted that 'yes' she was extreamly drunk! adding to this fiasco Lucy broke the strap on her shoes & developed a rather big blue & purple bruise on her back....oh Donz said that might of been when you fell of the stool!!.........OMG no more alcohol for the girls, Donz was swinging off Status Quo's Rick Parfitt & Lucy lost all recolection of the evenings events....needless to say the cup of tea & dippy egg & soldiers made everything seem a whole lot brighter in the morning....again another good night was had by all........well Lucy THINKS anyway............& yes you guessed it we never made the match...
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