Sooo….today is the day of our Skydive…arrrh! We're both feeling a little nervous now about our jump and as we get ready the nerves start to take over and we seriously question weather we're doing the right thing? But still we get ourselves ready and head off towards the airport. We arrive and decide to take the photo and dvd package where an extra guy would jump with us and film the whole thing as well as take photo's, which is brilliant for the memories but bad for the bank account as it cost nearly as much as the skydive itself…but hey we will only do it once! So off we went to get weighed and kitted out. We put on our jump suits and those lovely little hats and most important our harnesses, then we meet our skydiving instructors Brad & Jonathan and our two cameraman Mo & Des, then off onto the plane we go………
As we're in the plane the nerves start to increase especially Lucy's as she had specifically said she'd prefer not to go first or sit next to the door…and guess what?…..she was sat next to the Perspex door and was due to jump first!!!!
So as the tiny plane with all six of us crammed in the back we took off and headed towards the sky, it already seemed so high and we were only at 8 thousand feet and we are jumping from 12 thousand feet. Donzy had the nervous giggle about her and wasn't taking much notice of the instructor but the thought of jumping out and Lucy was being told to breath by her instructor as the nerves were getting the better of her. Now…. we're at 12thousand feet and the door is opened… Oh My Gosh…'s sooo high and cold and we're above the clouds, Mo steps out of the plane and is holding on as Lucy edges herself to the edge of the plane and dangles off the edge of the plane thenBrad tells Lucy to hold on and pulls her head back……….That was a moment Donz will never forget as she nervously watched Lucy Dangle in the sky only to be held onto Brad and the expression on her face was priceless! Then Lucy and Brad flew out of the door and were free falling at 200km per hour at 12 thousand feet, Lucy held on tightly to Brad until he released her arms to feel the free fall, and Lucy screamed all the way to the ground only stopping to take a breath. Next it was Donzy's turn and she made her way to the edge of the plane and out they went…backwards!We both thoroughly enjoyed the skydive and just seconds after jumping you shake hands with your cameraman as he freefalls with you…at this point both of us go a little crazy…wait till you watch the dvd and you'll see! As the parachute opens we saw the Stunning lake Taupo and the view and the weather was fabulous, we even got to do some swirls and stunts with the parachutes.
We both landed safely and went nuts as we had completed the skydive and what a buzz it was. We then went into a room to watch our dvd that they had filmed of us….. Well we laughed so hard that it hurt…. We can't wait to show you all!
We finally brought ourselves back down from the buzz and headed back to our camper where we treated ourselves with a full fry-up Breckie and chilled for the rest of the day in the camper and the sunshine.
The next day we hit the road for Tongarino National Park, so we drove south of Taupo for an hour and a half to reach miles and miles of untouched land that was sooooo quiet and peaceful. We found a great spot in the camping area and decided to head off for a walk…(tramping as they call it here) and we can understand why they say that as we walked for a couple of hours through the forest, over rivers, up rocks and trees, through mud and slush. So as you can imagine we got rather dirty and mucky but neither the less we had lots of fun. It is so strange for it to be so quiet, there are no noises of traffic, everything is so still and we were the only ones around for miles. We headed back to the camper before it got dark and cooked ourselves some tea and chilled out for the rest of the evening.
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