This morning we woke to another fine day in a peaceful and tranquil area of Whatamango Bay! Today we were on our travels again to the next destination…..North Island New Zealand! We headed back down the winding road to Picton Ferry terminal, there we checked ourselves in and sat in our camper and had breakfast while we were waiting to board the ferry(as it was running 1hour late). We got in the line to drive onto the ferry and parked the camper in a tight space on the ferry deck and headed upstairs to the café and cinema areas, where we were greeted by some rather strange people …the kind that you don't see everyday and the ones that kinda make you feel a little edgy! At times with these people around us we felt a little surreal as one girl was dressed a little differently and was carrying a huge stick around with her would suddenly talk aloud to herself in riddles and do some weird Tai-Chi moves with her stick around the deck, we felt like we were in Lord of the Rings….but that wasn't the only film we felt that we were in, as there was a guy and his young daughter trying to hitch a lift and seemed to pull off quite a few scams along the way with free food and phone calls etc so that felt like we were in the film Curley Sue! But all was well as we sat and watched a movie to help the 3hour journey pass. We arrived at Wellington in the dark to be surprised by a huge high-rise city, not the normal thing that we would come across in South New Zealand. We cruised through the city of Wellington admiring the bright city lights and headed out of town to set up camp for the night.
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