Mount Cook
After an early start & dealing with the camp warden banging on our door at 8am for his camp fees! We were off……heading to the famous Mount Cook, again it took a quite a while to reach our destination but the beautiful scenery added interest to our trip, stopping for a picture at an amazing waterfall on the roadside or admiring the most turquoise blue of waters against a burnt orange avenues of trees…for this New Zealand is simply phenomenal!! Whilst driving along we laughed as we hit a heard of sheep in the road, they were really big compared to ours back home & it was quite surreal….. we were stuck at a halt in the middle of a road surrounded by hundreds of sheep, what a baaaaaarrrrrrrmy situation…….
Hitting Mount Cook is was raining! the mist from the ground was low and the clouds were also. We had breakfast in our camper and decided to hit the tourist information centre, here we found loads of different walking tracks to take us the face of Mt Cook. We walked about an hour until we came to this awesome scene, like something out of Lord Of The Rings……probably unexplainable, but we'll try anyways, there were three adjoining mountains, their peaks covered in clouds, filtering into what looked like turquoise blue lakes that were actually ice, it was raining heavy & completely secluded with a roaring sound that baffled us…until we noticed the snow & gravel that came cascading down the side of one of the mountains, Lucy s*** her pants shouting
"come on Don we gotta go…like now…."
"Ok…Ok… Luce"
Before Donzy could tell her it was ok she was gone. After just reading up on the many avalanches of mount cook in the visitors centre Lucy thought this one was heading straight for them….she ran all the way back to the camper van determined it was going to hit them. Afterwards we realized it's an integral part of the mountains lifecycle to crumble & fall like it did…. that's ok Lucy thought…….just don't fall on us!!
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