Hopefully you will get lots of help from EF now.
You have the credit card, right?
That would be a good way to pay for flights.
For taxis, cash, I guess.
Aunt Rosalie would be a good source of help I would think since she travels so much. I'll send her a note.
Love, Mom
Dear Kahla,
You should have gotten the note I sent to EF.
Here is the email address of the person that helped us with your flight last time. [email protected]
I have now sent her 2 emails, and you have her email address. What address are you using?
You have so many places that you are posting, I sometimes get confused. I love the travel journal, then I can read what everyone writes.
I will leave you a note there too.
Dad and I are very committed to making sure you have enough money to do what you need and see the things you need to while you are there now. You are being very careful.
You can work for me for a year when you get back to pay us back (dishes, yard work, laundry, etc.). Just kidding.
You are so special and we love you sooooo much.
How long do you have in Spain left now?
Love, Mom
Mikahla Edeal
Hey mom, I have been looking into flights and travel stuff, but it is all so crazy! The travel to airport with all my stuff and then from airport to my house - wherever that is - and the there is christmas stuff and it is just too much! Pray for me, that I will get this all figured out. My goal is to have it all set before this weekend, before Sunday at least. Have you gotten any information about my host family in Paris? I would very much like to know where the house is there so that I can see how to get there from the airport and know about how long it will take to travel and if metro or bus is close, if it's not I will have to take a taxi because I will have baggage - I haven't found any info about whether or not I can ship my bags. If you have time to help let me know, but otherwise I will assume you are busy and will just keep chipping away at it as I get time. Love you, Mikahla
Thanks for posting the note about the candy shop and girl from Colorado.
I went to lunch with Roni (sushi) and then spent about 3 hrs., cleaning and sewing for Grandma. She loves her new chair but it is a bit dangerous. She bangs into things and almost had a crash while I was with her.
She looks so good, not so tired. She is looking forward to helping you get to Sweden. Are you looking into flights? Would you like Joanne to help? I know nothing, but when you book it, use the Am.Express card if you can. Let me know and I'll give you the information.
Dad said he had a great talk with you.
Next Sunday, think about if we can do it again. I told him not to call unless you were on line, but you know, he just can't wait.
Dad had someone help with the gutters and chimney cleaning today. I have school tonight and homework still to do, so I always try to leave here early, like that really happens.
Love and prayers, Mom
Mikahla Edeal
I am going to a movie but should be back by nine or a little after. Going to see Pequeña miss sunshine - little miss sunshine dubbed into spanish:) Should be interesting and fun especially because there is a specialty spanish candy shop across the street from the theatre. I went on an activity with the school yesterday! I will be posting a journal and some pictures soon, it was really fun and interesting plus I met a girl from Colorado who is really nice. A lot of the students from the united states honestly just get on my nerves, but she seems really cool. She's small townish like me, likes outdoors, and is reading Mulan in Spanish:) I had the longest english conversation that I have had in weeks! It was weird that it was weird to speak my own language! Anyways gotta go. Talk to you soon!
Love, Mikahla
Hey, billing went great. we really got caught up and both feel real good about that. thx for praying. hope to connect with u in about 3 hrs. We are off to church, then we'll come home to talk. can't wait to hear from u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love, Dad
Mikahla Edeal
good luck guys, I love you! Talk to you this evening! Oooo, new discovery - cappucino italiano! Good stuff.
We'd like to call you Sunday. We will check to see if you are on line about 9pm your time (noon our time?)
Pray for us, we are going to do billing today.
Love, Mom
Hey, how are u????????????Let's talk today. I miss u. the web cam is all messed up. We'll need to reconfigure it with the wireless linksys unit, but we've lost the password for that, so we'll have to start all over. I don't have the energy for that now. I've been so busy and am stressed over all I have going on right now. Lots of lose ends, lots to do and not enough time it seems. I now that's not true, but that's how I feel---real tired and overwhelmed. Pray for me to have God's priorities. I haven't been able to find time to write the book lately and am frustrated about that. I'm also excited because my mind continues to be full of ideas for writing. I just need to get them down on paper. Tim Paulsens's book was just published and is in the Mt. Hermon book store. Love you, DAD
THanks, I love to get your little notes. I was thinking about gifts to send to Sweden for Christmas, and what to send to your host family too. What could we send to you? (money always!!!!) How about a horse magazine for the Dad who wants to be a cowboy? Do they like trinkets? Maybe we should just put money in your account and you could take them out for a meal as a thank you?
Dad and I went out and saw a movie with Robin Williams as a talk show guy who became the president. Then we went to sushi, then to Borders. It was a great night, and the video store was still open when we stopped on the way home. Now he is watching the movie and I just fixed a problem on the MusicTogether site.
Roni is off with Daniel for Daniel's B-day.
Tomorrow, Dad and I go to brunch with the Relational Resouce group. A good excuse to eat out again.
I turned in an invoice for $300 to MusicalMe for the last 30 hours. The boss thought it was too much, OH WELL. I had fun and it was a great experience.
Pray that we get the billing done tomorrow. We just keep putting it off. Then I have homework, again! MORE homework. I have cards like you do, with words and the page numbers from the book, so I could go back and read more. arrays, functions, variables, libraries of ....
Love to you and lots of prayers, Your Mom always!!!!